WarCraft 3 - Reign of Chaos
Cheat Codes:
Update by: bashaer
Update by: derek Fercher
Update by: zz_boi
Update by: Slowpoke
Update by: Sheikh M. Aminllah
Update by: Ice Man
Update by: BJ
Update by: Gareth Homewood
Update by: John Hallvard
Submitted by: Haspa
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box.
Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to
activate. If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear
on the screen.
Code Result
WarpTen - Speeds construction of buildings and units
IocainePowder - Fast Death/Decay
WhosYourDaddy - God mode
KeyserSoze [amount] - Gives you X Gold
LeafitToMe [amount] - Gives you X Lumber
GreedIsGood [amount] - Gives you X Gold and Lumber
PointBreak - Removes food limit
ThereIsNoSpoon - Unlimited Mana
StrengthAndHonor - No defeat
Motherland [race] level] - level jump
SomebodySetUpUsThBomb - Instant defeat
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Instant victory
WhoIsJohnGalt - Enable research
SharpAndShiny - Research upgrades
IseeDeadPeople - Remove fog of war
Synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
RiseAndShine - Set time of day to dawn
LightsOut - Set time of day to dusk
DayLightSavings [time] - If a time is specified, time of day is
set to that, otherwise time of day is
alternately halted/resumed
TheDudeAbides - Fast cooldown
whosyourdaddy-One - hit kills & Unlim. HP
strengthandhonor - Keep playing after losing in Campaign mode
greedisgood 10000 - 10000 gold and lumber
keysersoze 1000 - 1000 gold
leafittome 100 - 100 lumber
daylightsavings 18:00 - Set time of day to 18:00
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
Greedisgood 999999 - All reasource 999999
Iseedeadpeople - reveals all the map
Submitted by: abel
CHEAT UPDATE: the "whosyourdaddy" cheat DOES NOT GIVE 1-HIT KILLS!!! but it does
multiply your damage by 100, which usually kills units, unless you are using a
worker and attacking a hero. it also destroys buildings (again) unless the building
is high hp and you are using a weak unit to attack it.
older Cheatmode:
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box.
Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to
activate. If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear
on the screen.
Code Result
Iseedeadpeople - Full map
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - Invicible
Gametip: Find the enemy with out cheating:
Submitted by:arun prakash
If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most likely there is one
more thing out there. if you press Tab[on the key board]the map will turn
black and the enemy will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot
the enemy.
Submitted by: Hassan
If you are playing with the undead your best way to win is to build
from 4-8 dragons with the ice ability and attach your enemy\'s base.
Granteed to give results.If you are attacking with a normal army
always have a pitfiend by your side with the web ability cause none
of your ground units can attack in air.
If you are playing with the human the best way to win is to make a
combination of riflemen(with the long rifle ability) and knights(with
the animal training ability). That way your can kill on land and air.
The riflemen are very strong so if you use them in the right way you
can\'t be defeated.
If you are playing with the Orcs your best offence is to attack with
a couple bulls and raiders, cause the raiders can bring down any fly
creature and the bulls can POUND them. By the way the orcs have the
most powerful hand to hand units.
If you are playing with the night elves your best offence is to attack
with 6-12 chymaras(with the corosive ability). The night elves are
ranged units all in all so always have a comination of every thing,
for the hunters can hit multiple targets and the archers have long
ranges ....
Extra movie:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Beat the game on Hard to get a very short clip of StarCraft 2 characters running
under the WarCraft III engine. It takes place after the football sequence in the
end credits.
Another extra movie:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
If you have beaten the game on both Normal and Hard, click "Credits" at the Main
Menu screen to see another short StarCraft 2 sequence.
Hydralisk Easter Egg:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
A Hydralisk can be found in the second mission in the Night Elves Campaign
(Daughters of the Moon). Use the cheat iseedeadpeople to reveal the map.
Then scroll to the top right...the grey dot found between some trees is the
Hydralisk. It will join you in your fight.
Play As The High Elves:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
On chapter five of the Undead campaign, "Fall of Silvermoon", stop the runners
and destroy the High Elf base on the upper region of the map. After you do this,
you will be able to use the Banshee. Fight your way into the lower High Elf base,
and use the Banshee's Possesion on a High Elf peasent. You can then use the peasant
to build a High Elf base, allowing you to build all their units, and access all
three human heroes.
Exploding critters:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Keep clicking on critters to make them explode.
Submitted by: joy.alegria
Download a cool map pack with 9 maps in it at:
warcraft 3 world editor:
Submitted by: Brad Jensen
The chat room gem!
We all remeber the chat room gem from diablo 2. And how it was said to do
something no one knows. Well in the world editor... if you look at the
scrol bars... Where they meet... ITS BACK! But... I know what it dose!
In the world editor, This weird gem when green dose NOTHING! Click it a
lot and it will play a sound. But... THERES MORE! When the gem is purple
killing or selecting some units will make them play the aproprite sound.
For example taurn cheiftn VOICED units when deleted will play the taurn
death sound. Also When its purple it plays out animations. So deleting a
unit will "Kill" the unit.
Submitted by: mike
when on the mission in the night elf campeign where your in the cave to
free illidan right by the entrace there is a huge panda lvl 10 us the
whosyourdaddy cheat and whith the druid gut summon traents from the mushrooms
then fight it it has a manual of health and it funny there also a secret flash
you get
Submitted by: the toad head
this cheat is kind kind or a walk through/tip but on orc the best strategy
is to mass 11 to 23 grunts and 11 to 23 shaman and a far seer and a blademaster
warning: u will need i repeat need to upgrade ur shamen to master training so
they can get blood lust or they suck like anything,oh and make sure blood lust
is on auto-cast or this wont work for and random heroes should be turned off.
and finally, the grunt amount and the shaman amount should be exactly the same
eg.11grunts and 11 shaman now if this works for you email me and ill make a
walkthrough cos i think i might be OK at warcraft so, siya now!
Submitted by: Muntean Andrei
At The custom level, were you must destroy the Monoliths, Tipe the Code "-creepmeout"
With This sign "-" two, and all of your buildings will be destroyed, and you will be
the Monolith Monsters.
Submitted by: amore S.
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following codes,
then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message
"Cheat enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.
Demon Hunter suicide:
Play as a Night Elf in a single-player game. Get a Demon Hunter as your hero. When
he dies, you can see that he stabs himself before he dissipates.
Immolation without mana:
Enable the thereisnospoon code if you are playing the Night Elves and get Illidan.
Learn the Immolation ability and activate it. After activation, disable the
thereisnospoon code. The mana should not decrease, but the Immolation ability should
be still enabled. This trick does not work on auto casts or on abilities that you must
click on the button to activate.
Animal kill:
Keep clicking the mouse over the animals and they will eventually explode.
Attack Redirecting Sent by: amitakartok ( leyta AT freemail.hu )
On the third Orc mission, all four Human bases receive attacks from your ally and
retaliate on you, right? If you build a Great Hall just south of your ally, three of
them will attack your ally's base (and never destroy it)! The light blue base will
still attack your main.
Ending bonus:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to see a 20 second
clip of what StarCraft 2 characters would look like under the WarCraft 3 engine after
the credits. Note: This movie is in-game, after they play "football" during the ending
credits. Also note the Orc in a spacesuit during that sequence.
Play Chapter 1 of the Human campaign. Take Arthas to the graveyard toward the east part
of the map at night. Villagers and sheep that you killed will reappear.
Book of Sam:
When using the Humans in a custom or campaign game, the hero paladin carries a book of
spells with him. This is what he looks at as he casts Holy Light. Zoom in fully on the
book while performing the spell, and the name "SAM" can be seen. Note: Timing is important,
but mainly keep watching the screen.
Extra footmen:
In Chapter 5 of the Human campaign, use one of your men to go down to the southern path
where you came from. You will find three extra footmen that will aid you.
Build army of heroes:
In Chapter 5 of the Undead campaign, Fall Of Silvermoon, you are able to create an army
of heroes (maximum is usually 3). You must complete the optional quest. First, destroy
Sylvanas' base leaving at least one Human Peasant alive. After the outro sequence, you can
build Banshees. Create one, and send her to the Mana shrine in the middle island so that
she can quickly gain 250 Mana. Then, command her to take control of the Peasant.
Build a Town Hall and upgrade it to a Castle. Then, build an Altar Of Kings.
You may now build as many heroes as desired, as long as your upkeep can support it.
Pendent Of Energy:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign. After you get the remains of the dead Necromancer
and a short intermission sequence plays, enable the iseedeadpeople code. Look for a very
big Granite Golem just south of the first river you see. He will drop the Pendent Of
Energy when defeated. He is difficult, but it is worth the fight.
Robe Of The Magi:
In Chapter 5 of the Night Elves campaign, "Brother's By Blood," the first main quest's path
has many mushroom trees where the river separates the land masses. In the bottom right of
the land you are first on, do "Force Of Nature" on the mushrooms and send them to fight the
skeletons. Move on until you see another mushroom group in the bottom right as well. Do the
same spell and move onto the small circle. Then, kill the Death Revenant and Skeletons to
receive the Robe Of The Magi, which gives a +6 bonus to intelligence.
The Shrine of Uberfish:
In Chapter 5 of the Night Elves campaign, "Brother's By Blood," there are two main quests.
The first is awakening the Druids of the Claw. In the second, freeing Illidan Stromrage, is
where this secret is located. First, enable the iseedeadpeople code reveal the entire map.
In the underground prison compound, you will see two circles of power behind some trees the
patrolling guards. Send Whisperwind to the big circle, transporting her to the Shrine of
Uberfish, which contains a Mantle Of Intelligence.
Play the first mission of the Prologue. Enable the iseedeadpeople code, then look at the
island at the top of the map to find some pirates guarding "phat lewt".
Remove Blight:
When playing as the Humans, train some priests and make sure they have the Dispel Magic
ability. If your enemy is the Undead, and has Blight, using the Dispel Magic spell will
remove it and turn it to dirt.
Hiding as Night Elves:
Note: This trick only works at night and for units with the Hide ability (Priestess of
Moon, Archers, Huntress). Use a Ballista (if desired) to knock down trees in a middle of
a forest, then place the units with the Hide ability inside the area of trees. Block the
entrance with Moon Wells. It is possible use Sentinels and the Scout to see ahead. The
forest area should be where the enemy passes. When the enemy appears, they will get killed
by the Archers. If they manage to attack, the Moon Wells will heal your units.
The Huntresses are used mainly for emergency purposes, such as for units that take down
trees and attacks from behind.
Completing timed levels:
In the human campaign when you have to defend the town from the Undead, and the last
Undead campaign level when Kel'thuzad is summoning Archimonde, enable the whosyourdaddy
and iseedeadpeople codes. Kill the enemy's bases. You will automatically win without the
time running out.
Easy experience:
There are always monsters near your base. Defeat them to gain about 120 experience points.
Funny comments:
Keep clicking the mouse over various units to hear funny comments. For example, click on
the riflemen enough and he will quote Fat Bastard and say "Get in mah belly!"; the mortar
teams say "Tassadar has failed us. You must not." (a phrase from Starcraft).
Secret mini-game:
Select Custom game from the Single Player menu and then double click the Senerio Folder at
the top of the list that appears. 2 new maps will appear one being a Mini-Game of Called
Sheep Of Death. Where you run back and forth dodgeing explosive sheep. use S to move left
H to move right and esc to use a smart-bomb type attack.
Thing thing:
Well i don know wats the map but its the one wer u defend ur base and u start with arthas
in his base if u will know u find a house with heath bar on it! only one house tat is...
u chop it down and thers a barrel ther u destroy the barrel and thers a sheep kill it and
it drops a somthing i don remeber.
Perfect Army:
Ok this only works for the frozen throne. ok first do all your cheats then separate the
type of humans. (what I mean if human, elf, and dwarf). train the archmage and the blood
mage heroes. then 2 sorceress then 3 priests then 5 spell breakers. then separate then
far away. then 4 knights and 8 footmen. separate them. then 4 dwarves bomber guys and 8
riflemen. separate them. then have the humans, and dwarfs right click over all of them
to follow the blood mage and u have one heck of a strong army.
Beat the Stage With the Auroras:
Well the first thing you do is build up your base and farms. Then you get a ton of
banshees, then you get a few warriors and a hero. Run inside the aurora, and attack a
opponent base therefore provoking them to attack. once they attack use your banshees
to posses them. Then you can walk in the auroras and not get hurt. Leave your warriors
and your hero at the base to defend it.
Get a Starcraft Hydralisk Unit:
When playing Night Elves on Level-2 (Daughters Of The Moon), about half way through the
mission before you approach the Undead base, you will get 3 Ballista. Use them to take
out the trees to the north and you will find a Level-7 powerful Hydralisk to join your
team! (If you cant seem to find it, use the "iseedeadpeople" cheat to reveal the map)
Free Bracer of Agility:
In the 3rd mission of the human campaign, you see Jaina being followed by some ogre. She
defeats them and one of them runs away. follow to path and slay the remaining ogres.
There will be a sheep in the ogre encampment. Keep clicking on it and it will explode to
give you a Bracer of Agility!
Unlimited building:
Play the Undead campaign Chapter 5, Fall Of Slivermoon. First, destroy Sylvana Windrunner
base. When the base is destroyed you will be able to make a new type of unit called a
Banshee. After you get a Banshee, get her mana to 250 and use the Possession ability to
take control one of the enemy's peasants. You be able to build all the enemy's units, and
have unlimited human heroes if you build an Altar Of Kings with the controlled peasant.
Also some builds can be stacked.
Get Ticontrious:
If you did the undead campaign you would see that Ticontrious' background was red, well.
If you go custom game and the undead race (obviously with red for a colour) choose
dreadlord for your hero and because your colour is red it's Ticontrious!
How to control all races:
Note: You must be undead. first type the upgrade cheats spawn a banshee let it take a
humen or any worker you can build their buldings and you can win faster.
Easier Kill (Undead):
Each race has an ultimate building (Chimera Roast etc). I found the Frost Wyrm from
the Undeads ultimate building really kick a$$,send a maximum amount you can control
(12 units) to our enemies base and get them ALL to destroy the buildings ONE by one,
if you get them to defeat the buildings seperately, the enemies army will kill before
you can kill them.
Timmy the gnol:
Submitted by: kokt
In the human camping...when you have to ke'lvzad....explore the city before you comfort
him. You should find a cage that contain a friendly undead gnol named Timmy.kill him.....
oh something else in the orc camping when you play with carin to get the gemston for thral
type the iseedeadpeopl code and look for a frindly lizerd calld hungryhngrylizerd.....
when it eats the mushroms clearind a pass to a secret place kill it and enter.
Submitted by: Erossitos
With the night elves campaign, level 2 (Daughters of the Moon, use the "iseedeadpeople"
cheat to see all the map. Find corrupted earth up in the left, and you kill the guard.
Break the cage, and you find a Furbolg. Try to protect him and he'll give you a prize.
He gave me some boots and some weapon. Hope it works for you!
jimmy the seal:
Submitted by: Ren Olerte
In the fifth night elf mission Brothers by Blood somewhere in the middle of the map you
will see a seal called jimmy the seal.It is easier to spot it by using the iseedeadpeople
cheat.It is stuck between some mushrooms so use Malfurions power-treant to get to him.
Kill him to get the manual of health +50 hp.
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011
WarCraft 3 - The Frozen Throne
WarCraft 3 - The Frozen Throne
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Airhice
Submitted by: conner54
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box.
Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to activate.
If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear on the screen.
Can be capitalized or small
Code Result
iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - God mode
strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions
StrengthAndHonor - No defeat
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
Disable victory conditions:
greedisgood - Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood # - Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze - Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # - Receive # gold
leafittome - Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # - Receive # lumber
pointbreak - Removes food limit
warpten - Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder - Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt - Fast research
sharpandshiny - Research upgrades
synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine - Set time to dawn
lightsout - Set time to dusk
daylightsavings [hour] - Set time of the day
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
motherland [race] [level] - Level select
thedudeabides - Cool down
Submitted by: Phoenix
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays a special song
(WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne ONLY)
No Trees - abrakadabra
L10 Allied Units - ihavethepower
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Hint: Secret Level:
Submitted by: Phoenix
In the third Alliance mission (where the elves are escaping from prison) there is a
room with three sheep near the middle of the map. When a unit steps on a panel near
a sheep, the sheep will say one of three things. Step on the panels to say "Baw, Ram,
Ewe" to open a door above them. The door leads to a bunch of flying sheep and a big
question mark. Pick up the question mark as if it were an item to unlock a secret
tower level.
Panderan Brewmaster:
Follow the instructions on how to get to the "secret level" in the Human campaign.
On the secret level, find and break open all the boxes to get the treasures. Then,
complete it. If the final wave features a Panderan Brewmaster with an army of
Panderans you have done it correctly. Afterwards a Brewmaster's voice will say "I
bring Panda-monium" and a picture will show a Panda and what is apparently his
daughter. In the next level you will be able to use a level 5 version of the
Brewmaster you killed.
Secret Orc level:
Select the "Custom Campaign" option at the menu, then choose the "Exodus Of The Horde".
The game wukk launch a screen with the selection of the first level. This extra campaign
takes place after Thrall leaves Lorderon, but before Kalimdor.
Monolithic Creeps destruction:
In the special scenario game Monolithic Creeps, type -creepmeout to destroy any Night
Elf, Human, Orc, or Undead units or buildings you own and build an army of creeps. You
do not need to worry if you obtained wood by cheating and have the game say its been
taken away by the "cheese police" because creeps do not need wood. Also, there are
multiple workers if you choose to be creeps
Grank The Rat:
In the fourth Night Elf mission, Wrath Of The Betrayer, at the top left side of the
map is a small garden and a fountain that only Maiev can visit. Use your Blink-spell
to get to it. In there, you can find a rat with the name "Grank the Rat", which has
100% Evasion and Spell Immunity.
The Pandaren Brewmaster:
Play the Night Elf mission where you have to escort the runner. In the lower left
corner in the very back of the map is a Pandaeran relaxation area. A Brewmaster is
here. He will spout some gibberish and drop Slippers Of Agility.
BloodFeast The Abomination and The Zombie Master:
On the Undead mission, The Flight From Lordearon, you can re-summon a Zombie Master
and BloodFeast the Abomination near the end. On this mission you find a Staff of
Animate somewhere (not hidden). You will find a room with Necromancers summoning
something, and a few enemies such as Ghouls and Crypt Fiends. Kill them, then go
on the pile of where the Necromancers were summoning and use the Staff to summon
a Zombie Master for sixty seconds to help you fight. BloodFeast the Abomination
can be summoned the same way.
Drunken Panda picture:
Successfully complete all the levels in the "Secret tower level" to see a picture
of the Drunken Panda along with what seems to be his daughter. Then in the next c
hapter, you can use him to help.
Giant Penguin:
In the fourth Undead mission, The Return To Nothrend, you will find a giant penguin
in the left corner on the island that you started on. Kill the guarding sea lions and
destroy the tent so you can approach it. Then, kill the penguin itself. You will get
a Ring Of Superiority. A normal penguin will spawn next to it. You can kill it, but
it will not give you anything.
The Lich King in Lordaeron:
King Arthas, the Lich King and the frozen throne can be found in the first Undead
mission. Go to the far left in the middle on the mini map. You will see a blank
circle. Click on it, and it will take you to what seems to be the mountain where
the Lich King is found. If you press [Insert], you will get a straight view of the
Lich King and the frozen throne.
In the first mission of the second campaign, near your encampment is a bird flying
near the coast named Albatro. Kill it (try using a Rifleman) near the coast and it
will drop a Robe of the Magi +6.
Giant Golem:
You can get Claws Of Attack +3 by killing a Giant Golem after you exit the ruins of
the first observatory. He is hidden between a lot of trees, and may be difficult to
Get other heroes:
In the scenario with the strange monoliths, go the Undead and make sure there are
four other forest patrols. Enable the synergy, sharpandshiny (three times),
thereisnospoon, whosyourdaddy and iseedeadpeople codes. Use the Banshees to posses
the monolithic creeps and get their items. If you do not have a hero, you can get
their heroes. The creeps can be the Murlocs, the Furbolgs, the Spiders, the Satrys,
the Beasts (their peasant is a fawn), the Wolves (their hero is a werewolf), and
the Trolls. Wipe out the other forest patrols, as they build in your base.
Talk to Illidan ghost:
On the second Night Elf mission, you have to find Illidan and prevent him from
taking Sargaras Eye. Just in front of the gate before him, use Blink to the other
side of the gate. You can now kill Illidan and destroy the eye. Destroy the gate
after that, and you will talk to someone who is not there, but Illidan's voice can
be heard. Note: Tote: This is easier if you enable the iseedeadpeople and
whosyourdaddy codes.
Base defense as Night Elves:
Take any kind of Night Elf base (Tree Of Ages, Tree Of Eternity, etc.) in multi-
player mode and send it to an area where there are a lot of trees. Use the Eat
Tree ability and get in as far as you can without revealing the path to your enemy.
Once your opponent takes out your base, he will give up looking for you. For better
results research Nature's Blessing and make sure you use a Tree Of Ages that you
are expanding with, rather then the one your opponent is using. When you use the
Eat Tree ability, remember to be very discrete so your opponent does not see it.
Build other race's units and buildings as Undead:
Play the Undead in a custom or multi-player game. Use a Banshee with the Posses
ability to take over a Peasant or Wisp. This gives you the ability to build that
race's units and construct their buildings. This also gives you access to train
their heroes.
Use an Undead Banshee or a Dark Ranger to convert a Peon, Peasant, Wisp, or Acolyte
to your side. You can now make their buildings and create their units and heroes.
100 damage Demon Hunter:
Get a Demon Hunter with Metamorphosis and use it. Then, enable the thedudeabides
code to have the cool down done fast, then click the active Metamorphosis. Your
Demon Hunter should turn back to its original form, however instead of "level ##"
it will say "Metamorphosis" with the bar going down . When the bar hits zero, your
Demon Hunter's attack should hit for 96 to 100 damage.
Recommended spell combos:
Choose your hero of choice, then choose Bloodlust as your basic ability. Next,
choose Chain Lightning as a basic, Divine Shield or Holy Light as a basic,
Endurance Aura as your basic aura, Spiked Carapace as your basic hero attribute,
and then for your ultimate choose Dopplegang.
Sending all units at the same time:
To send all of your units at the same time to one location, make all of your units
follow one to twelve other units. Then send those one to twelve other units to a
location. All of your other units will follow them.
Funny comments:
Keep clicking the mouse over various units to hear funny comments. For example,
click on the riflemen enough and he will quote Fat Bastard and say "Get in mah
belly!"; the mortar teams say "Tassadar has failed us. You must not." (a phrase
from Starcraft).
The goblin demolition crews quotes Beavis from Beavis And Butthead by saying
"Are you threatening me?"
An acolyte for the Undead will say "All I see is darkness; Oh wait my hood is
down." An Orcish grunt will say "Quit poking me" and other phrases that consist
with you poking him.
Click on certain human units and they will quote Monty Python And The Holy Grail
with comments such as "She's a witch!"
Repeatedly click the Pitlord and he will start an interview.
Keep clicking on the female archers on the Night Elf team. She will say,
"I asked for a bow string not a g - oh never mind!"
Diablo reference:
In the last Human mission, Lord of the Outland, where you need to assault the Lord's
castle, you can find the Butcher and Wirt's other leg (from Diablo) just northwest
of where you start. The Butcher will also say the same sentence, that he did in
Diablo, "Fresh meat".
Starcraft reference:
In the third Human mission, where you need to escape the prison with the Blood Elves
and Vashj, there are three colored sheep about in the bottom middle of the map with
platforms in front of them. If you step on the platforms in order, you will come
out with a "Bah Ram Ewe". Also, you can get a bonus level to defend the Portal to
the Nether Land.
Warcraft 3 reference:
In the first Undead mission, King Arthas, you can find Little Timmy from the original
Warcraft 3. He is in the woods, left of the town which is northwest of the three
Altars. Little Timmy will sell you some Ice Shards, which are useful both later in
the game and the campaign.
The Matrix reference:
In the "Monoliths" level, the Fulborg hero's names are Neo, Morpheus and Trinity.
Guard names:
In the prison mission, you will find various humorously named guards, such as one
called Trogdor. It is interesting that he is burninated almost immediately after
you see him. Other guards will have names like Seth, Marcus, or Troy.
Hidden items:
Destroy huts, tents, or other homes. Some of them will have hidden items such as
Scroll of Town Portals, Potions of Mana, etc. Pick them up for later use.
There are two mini-games available. Select "Custom Game", then "Scenarios" to find
a mini-game where you have to dodge sheep, and another where you play as a hero and
kill things.
Electric ball attack for a hero:
Get a Night Elf, Undead, Human and Orc Workers by Banshee. Built an item shop for that
race. Build a hero and make him visit each shop, buying one orb. After you are done
with that you hero should have a ball floating around him and he will attack buildings
with it. You hero will gain poison, cold, fire, curse, effects from the orb and an
extra 20 attack points.
Night Elf Chapter 3 or 4 secret tasman thing:
When the mission starts its the one when Warden tried to go somewhere with the runner.
Or somthing anyway at the top of the map ( use iseedeadpeople is easier ) at the left
top try and find a a place with flowers ( the place is near the Naga base ) its a
place with a rat in it and if you put Warden there ( Blink ) and attack it, it will
just miss... so click on the rat 25 times (non stop) and the rat will EXPLODE!
and it drops a tasmian of evasion!
Faster Healing:
Well If you press F1,F2.Etc Rapidly It will help you heal faster if you stand still.
Secret Level:
In mission four, the Dungeons of Dalaran, if you go very south, you will see three
sheep's. Put an unit on each of the "glowing stones" according to the order: Top,
bottom, middle. Then a gate to the north should open. Go in there an go to where the
flying sheep's are and sent units to the circle of power. You should then receive a
message saying something about a secret level. Now go beat this mission.
Save Banshees and Posses More Units:
In the Undead campaign when you are using Sylvanis's group, when fighting other races,
and have the urge to posses their units, ONLY POSSESS THEIR BUILDER. Then you can use
their builder unit to build their race's buildings, therefore able to produce their
units so you won't waste your Banshees. Besides its more fun to use two races than
Secret Level:
In the third Alliance mission (where the elves are escaping from prison) there is a room
with three sheep near the middle of the map. When a unit steps on a panel near a sheep,
the sheep will say one of three things. Step on the panels to say "Baw, Ram, Ewe" to open
a door above them. The door leads to a bunch of flying sheep and a big question mark. Pick
up the question mark as if it were an item to unlock a secret tower level.
Secret Song:
To unlock the song "Power of the Horde" that is played at the end of The Frozen Throne,
type "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" in the chat box just like you would any other code.
This code only works in Single Player.
Tower Defence:
If you are playing the online custom game Tower Defence(TD), any version the trick is don't
tech and build a ton of towers, build between 4 and 10 and just upgrade those. Trust me,
you'll never win a TD if you tech.
Unit glitch and hero glitch in angel arena:
If you have the downloaded version of angel arena named,[Angel Arena X v9.1 2007!],well
there's a glitch i found out.Notice when you're the player color red,a peasant appears in
the hero selection place.If you can't find him,press the idol workers at the left side of
the screen and it'll eventually switch to him.Anyway,take the peasant and move him over to
the fountain.Notice that you can't build anywhere else except the grass around the fountain.
Although the area can only fit an altar of heroes.Anyway, build the altar of heroes. You
must type "pointbreak" to allow spawning without requiring food.(Note:This option only works
on single player.) Or you can build farms. Anyway, buy an Archmage from the altar. Go through
the portal with your archmage. Notice: Only heroes can go through the re-pick portals. Now
buy tomes of power. Notice: He can only go to level 10. (Note:If you need more money, type
"greedisgood 1000000" but it only works in single player.) Now get all your skills and summon
a water elemental inside your base. Now go through the re-pick portal.Now select your archmage
and your peasant in one group.
(Note:Make sure they're next to each other.)Now use mass teleport and teleport to your water
elemental. Congratulations, you can now make units in angel arena!
Now go out there and make buildings and units. And now you can make infinite heroes!
Sandwich attacks:
One of the coolest tactics is the sandwich attack. Group your heros with troops and attack
a enemy base by 2 different points. Start an attack from point A and as the enemy rallies
to defend, bring the 2nd group in to burn the base to the ground. It's especially effective
if you have the Draeni as your secondary attack.
Secret Tower Defence level:
When you are playing in the Alliance Campaign, in the Chapter where Lady Vashj helps Kael
escape from the jail, there is a secret. You'd better use the cheat iseedeadpeople to find
the place.When you type the cheat search in the whole map for a place where 3 sheep (1 blue,
1 yellow and 1 red)are imprisoned, then go there. Kill everybody in your way and when you
reach that place you'll see three buttons, 1 in front of every sheep. Then start pressing
them randomly and eventually, a message will come up and say: "Bonus level unlocked.
Finish this mission and it will start automatically." I think that's what it says. Well,
when you finish that Chapter you'll see Kael and Lady Vashj speaking, then you'll be sent
to the secret level. It's really fun! Oh, and you can play it again by choosing it from
the Chapter choose screen. Remember, it's in the Alliance campaign!
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Airhice
Submitted by: conner54
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box.
Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to activate.
If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear on the screen.
Can be capitalized or small
Code Result
iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - God mode
strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions
StrengthAndHonor - No defeat
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
Disable victory conditions:
greedisgood - Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood # - Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze - Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # - Receive # gold
leafittome - Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # - Receive # lumber
pointbreak - Removes food limit
warpten - Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder - Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt - Fast research
sharpandshiny - Research upgrades
synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine - Set time to dawn
lightsout - Set time to dusk
daylightsavings [hour] - Set time of the day
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
motherland [race] [level] - Level select
thedudeabides - Cool down
Submitted by: Phoenix
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays a special song
(WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne ONLY)
No Trees - abrakadabra
L10 Allied Units - ihavethepower
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Hint: Secret Level:
Submitted by: Phoenix
In the third Alliance mission (where the elves are escaping from prison) there is a
room with three sheep near the middle of the map. When a unit steps on a panel near
a sheep, the sheep will say one of three things. Step on the panels to say "Baw, Ram,
Ewe" to open a door above them. The door leads to a bunch of flying sheep and a big
question mark. Pick up the question mark as if it were an item to unlock a secret
tower level.
Panderan Brewmaster:
Follow the instructions on how to get to the "secret level" in the Human campaign.
On the secret level, find and break open all the boxes to get the treasures. Then,
complete it. If the final wave features a Panderan Brewmaster with an army of
Panderans you have done it correctly. Afterwards a Brewmaster's voice will say "I
bring Panda-monium" and a picture will show a Panda and what is apparently his
daughter. In the next level you will be able to use a level 5 version of the
Brewmaster you killed.
Secret Orc level:
Select the "Custom Campaign" option at the menu, then choose the "Exodus Of The Horde".
The game wukk launch a screen with the selection of the first level. This extra campaign
takes place after Thrall leaves Lorderon, but before Kalimdor.
Monolithic Creeps destruction:
In the special scenario game Monolithic Creeps, type -creepmeout to destroy any Night
Elf, Human, Orc, or Undead units or buildings you own and build an army of creeps. You
do not need to worry if you obtained wood by cheating and have the game say its been
taken away by the "cheese police" because creeps do not need wood. Also, there are
multiple workers if you choose to be creeps
Grank The Rat:
In the fourth Night Elf mission, Wrath Of The Betrayer, at the top left side of the
map is a small garden and a fountain that only Maiev can visit. Use your Blink-spell
to get to it. In there, you can find a rat with the name "Grank the Rat", which has
100% Evasion and Spell Immunity.
The Pandaren Brewmaster:
Play the Night Elf mission where you have to escort the runner. In the lower left
corner in the very back of the map is a Pandaeran relaxation area. A Brewmaster is
here. He will spout some gibberish and drop Slippers Of Agility.
BloodFeast The Abomination and The Zombie Master:
On the Undead mission, The Flight From Lordearon, you can re-summon a Zombie Master
and BloodFeast the Abomination near the end. On this mission you find a Staff of
Animate somewhere (not hidden). You will find a room with Necromancers summoning
something, and a few enemies such as Ghouls and Crypt Fiends. Kill them, then go
on the pile of where the Necromancers were summoning and use the Staff to summon
a Zombie Master for sixty seconds to help you fight. BloodFeast the Abomination
can be summoned the same way.
Drunken Panda picture:
Successfully complete all the levels in the "Secret tower level" to see a picture
of the Drunken Panda along with what seems to be his daughter. Then in the next c
hapter, you can use him to help.
Giant Penguin:
In the fourth Undead mission, The Return To Nothrend, you will find a giant penguin
in the left corner on the island that you started on. Kill the guarding sea lions and
destroy the tent so you can approach it. Then, kill the penguin itself. You will get
a Ring Of Superiority. A normal penguin will spawn next to it. You can kill it, but
it will not give you anything.
The Lich King in Lordaeron:
King Arthas, the Lich King and the frozen throne can be found in the first Undead
mission. Go to the far left in the middle on the mini map. You will see a blank
circle. Click on it, and it will take you to what seems to be the mountain where
the Lich King is found. If you press [Insert], you will get a straight view of the
Lich King and the frozen throne.
In the first mission of the second campaign, near your encampment is a bird flying
near the coast named Albatro. Kill it (try using a Rifleman) near the coast and it
will drop a Robe of the Magi +6.
Giant Golem:
You can get Claws Of Attack +3 by killing a Giant Golem after you exit the ruins of
the first observatory. He is hidden between a lot of trees, and may be difficult to
Get other heroes:
In the scenario with the strange monoliths, go the Undead and make sure there are
four other forest patrols. Enable the synergy, sharpandshiny (three times),
thereisnospoon, whosyourdaddy and iseedeadpeople codes. Use the Banshees to posses
the monolithic creeps and get their items. If you do not have a hero, you can get
their heroes. The creeps can be the Murlocs, the Furbolgs, the Spiders, the Satrys,
the Beasts (their peasant is a fawn), the Wolves (their hero is a werewolf), and
the Trolls. Wipe out the other forest patrols, as they build in your base.
Talk to Illidan ghost:
On the second Night Elf mission, you have to find Illidan and prevent him from
taking Sargaras Eye. Just in front of the gate before him, use Blink to the other
side of the gate. You can now kill Illidan and destroy the eye. Destroy the gate
after that, and you will talk to someone who is not there, but Illidan's voice can
be heard. Note: Tote: This is easier if you enable the iseedeadpeople and
whosyourdaddy codes.
Base defense as Night Elves:
Take any kind of Night Elf base (Tree Of Ages, Tree Of Eternity, etc.) in multi-
player mode and send it to an area where there are a lot of trees. Use the Eat
Tree ability and get in as far as you can without revealing the path to your enemy.
Once your opponent takes out your base, he will give up looking for you. For better
results research Nature's Blessing and make sure you use a Tree Of Ages that you
are expanding with, rather then the one your opponent is using. When you use the
Eat Tree ability, remember to be very discrete so your opponent does not see it.
Build other race's units and buildings as Undead:
Play the Undead in a custom or multi-player game. Use a Banshee with the Posses
ability to take over a Peasant or Wisp. This gives you the ability to build that
race's units and construct their buildings. This also gives you access to train
their heroes.
Use an Undead Banshee or a Dark Ranger to convert a Peon, Peasant, Wisp, or Acolyte
to your side. You can now make their buildings and create their units and heroes.
100 damage Demon Hunter:
Get a Demon Hunter with Metamorphosis and use it. Then, enable the thedudeabides
code to have the cool down done fast, then click the active Metamorphosis. Your
Demon Hunter should turn back to its original form, however instead of "level ##"
it will say "Metamorphosis" with the bar going down . When the bar hits zero, your
Demon Hunter's attack should hit for 96 to 100 damage.
Recommended spell combos:
Choose your hero of choice, then choose Bloodlust as your basic ability. Next,
choose Chain Lightning as a basic, Divine Shield or Holy Light as a basic,
Endurance Aura as your basic aura, Spiked Carapace as your basic hero attribute,
and then for your ultimate choose Dopplegang.
Sending all units at the same time:
To send all of your units at the same time to one location, make all of your units
follow one to twelve other units. Then send those one to twelve other units to a
location. All of your other units will follow them.
Funny comments:
Keep clicking the mouse over various units to hear funny comments. For example,
click on the riflemen enough and he will quote Fat Bastard and say "Get in mah
belly!"; the mortar teams say "Tassadar has failed us. You must not." (a phrase
from Starcraft).
The goblin demolition crews quotes Beavis from Beavis And Butthead by saying
"Are you threatening me?"
An acolyte for the Undead will say "All I see is darkness; Oh wait my hood is
down." An Orcish grunt will say "Quit poking me" and other phrases that consist
with you poking him.
Click on certain human units and they will quote Monty Python And The Holy Grail
with comments such as "She's a witch!"
Repeatedly click the Pitlord and he will start an interview.
Keep clicking on the female archers on the Night Elf team. She will say,
"I asked for a bow string not a g - oh never mind!"
Diablo reference:
In the last Human mission, Lord of the Outland, where you need to assault the Lord's
castle, you can find the Butcher and Wirt's other leg (from Diablo) just northwest
of where you start. The Butcher will also say the same sentence, that he did in
Diablo, "Fresh meat".
Starcraft reference:
In the third Human mission, where you need to escape the prison with the Blood Elves
and Vashj, there are three colored sheep about in the bottom middle of the map with
platforms in front of them. If you step on the platforms in order, you will come
out with a "Bah Ram Ewe". Also, you can get a bonus level to defend the Portal to
the Nether Land.
Warcraft 3 reference:
In the first Undead mission, King Arthas, you can find Little Timmy from the original
Warcraft 3. He is in the woods, left of the town which is northwest of the three
Altars. Little Timmy will sell you some Ice Shards, which are useful both later in
the game and the campaign.
The Matrix reference:
In the "Monoliths" level, the Fulborg hero's names are Neo, Morpheus and Trinity.
Guard names:
In the prison mission, you will find various humorously named guards, such as one
called Trogdor. It is interesting that he is burninated almost immediately after
you see him. Other guards will have names like Seth, Marcus, or Troy.
Hidden items:
Destroy huts, tents, or other homes. Some of them will have hidden items such as
Scroll of Town Portals, Potions of Mana, etc. Pick them up for later use.
There are two mini-games available. Select "Custom Game", then "Scenarios" to find
a mini-game where you have to dodge sheep, and another where you play as a hero and
kill things.
Electric ball attack for a hero:
Get a Night Elf, Undead, Human and Orc Workers by Banshee. Built an item shop for that
race. Build a hero and make him visit each shop, buying one orb. After you are done
with that you hero should have a ball floating around him and he will attack buildings
with it. You hero will gain poison, cold, fire, curse, effects from the orb and an
extra 20 attack points.
Night Elf Chapter 3 or 4 secret tasman thing:
When the mission starts its the one when Warden tried to go somewhere with the runner.
Or somthing anyway at the top of the map ( use iseedeadpeople is easier ) at the left
top try and find a a place with flowers ( the place is near the Naga base ) its a
place with a rat in it and if you put Warden there ( Blink ) and attack it, it will
just miss... so click on the rat 25 times (non stop) and the rat will EXPLODE!
and it drops a tasmian of evasion!
Faster Healing:
Well If you press F1,F2.Etc Rapidly It will help you heal faster if you stand still.
Secret Level:
In mission four, the Dungeons of Dalaran, if you go very south, you will see three
sheep's. Put an unit on each of the "glowing stones" according to the order: Top,
bottom, middle. Then a gate to the north should open. Go in there an go to where the
flying sheep's are and sent units to the circle of power. You should then receive a
message saying something about a secret level. Now go beat this mission.
Save Banshees and Posses More Units:
In the Undead campaign when you are using Sylvanis's group, when fighting other races,
and have the urge to posses their units, ONLY POSSESS THEIR BUILDER. Then you can use
their builder unit to build their race's buildings, therefore able to produce their
units so you won't waste your Banshees. Besides its more fun to use two races than
Secret Level:
In the third Alliance mission (where the elves are escaping from prison) there is a room
with three sheep near the middle of the map. When a unit steps on a panel near a sheep,
the sheep will say one of three things. Step on the panels to say "Baw, Ram, Ewe" to open
a door above them. The door leads to a bunch of flying sheep and a big question mark. Pick
up the question mark as if it were an item to unlock a secret tower level.
Secret Song:
To unlock the song "Power of the Horde" that is played at the end of The Frozen Throne,
type "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" in the chat box just like you would any other code.
This code only works in Single Player.
Tower Defence:
If you are playing the online custom game Tower Defence(TD), any version the trick is don't
tech and build a ton of towers, build between 4 and 10 and just upgrade those. Trust me,
you'll never win a TD if you tech.
Unit glitch and hero glitch in angel arena:
If you have the downloaded version of angel arena named,[Angel Arena X v9.1 2007!],well
there's a glitch i found out.Notice when you're the player color red,a peasant appears in
the hero selection place.If you can't find him,press the idol workers at the left side of
the screen and it'll eventually switch to him.Anyway,take the peasant and move him over to
the fountain.Notice that you can't build anywhere else except the grass around the fountain.
Although the area can only fit an altar of heroes.Anyway, build the altar of heroes. You
must type "pointbreak" to allow spawning without requiring food.(Note:This option only works
on single player.) Or you can build farms. Anyway, buy an Archmage from the altar. Go through
the portal with your archmage. Notice: Only heroes can go through the re-pick portals. Now
buy tomes of power. Notice: He can only go to level 10. (Note:If you need more money, type
"greedisgood 1000000" but it only works in single player.) Now get all your skills and summon
a water elemental inside your base. Now go through the re-pick portal.Now select your archmage
and your peasant in one group.
(Note:Make sure they're next to each other.)Now use mass teleport and teleport to your water
elemental. Congratulations, you can now make units in angel arena!
Now go out there and make buildings and units. And now you can make infinite heroes!
Sandwich attacks:
One of the coolest tactics is the sandwich attack. Group your heros with troops and attack
a enemy base by 2 different points. Start an attack from point A and as the enemy rallies
to defend, bring the 2nd group in to burn the base to the ground. It's especially effective
if you have the Draeni as your secondary attack.
Secret Tower Defence level:
When you are playing in the Alliance Campaign, in the Chapter where Lady Vashj helps Kael
escape from the jail, there is a secret. You'd better use the cheat iseedeadpeople to find
the place.When you type the cheat search in the whole map for a place where 3 sheep (1 blue,
1 yellow and 1 red)are imprisoned, then go there. Kill everybody in your way and when you
reach that place you'll see three buttons, 1 in front of every sheep. Then start pressing
them randomly and eventually, a message will come up and say: "Bonus level unlocked.
Finish this mission and it will start automatically." I think that's what it says. Well,
when you finish that Chapter you'll see Kael and Lady Vashj speaking, then you'll be sent
to the secret level. It's really fun! Oh, and you can play it again by choosing it from
the Chapter choose screen. Remember, it's in the Alliance campaign!
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight
Command and Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight
Tips: Crawler hunter:
Submitted by: awan
Play in skirmish on 5vs5.......join the NOD team and choose support ui for you.
in the game create the 1 engenier and 15 venom.......
use the engenier to grab the tiberium crystal.............
use venom to hunt the crawler or hunt down the oppomemt unit.....
upgrade : acuracy boost, range boost and speed boost first....
when u ready upgrade crawler to level 2 tech...........
-kill (delete) all of your unit........
-create 8 Vertigo Bomber...........to hunt down the enemy crawler faster......
your crawler must be near you vertigo..........'coz vertigo back to the crawler
to reload their weapon............
good luck for you to try............and be crawler hunter.............
max crawler i ever killed are 10 crawler in a skirmish mode........
it work in campaign mode....
nb: don't forget to upgrade the utility of unit and thr crawler tech level.......
The year is 2062 and humanity is at the brink of extinction. With only six
years left until the mysterious crystalline structure Tiberium renders the
earth entirely uninhabitable, the two opposing factions -- Global Defense
Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod -- inevitably find themselves
in desperation for the same cause: to stop Tiberium from extinguishing
mankind. The unthinkable becomes reality and Nod's enigmatic leader Kane
takes off for GDI headquarters. What is Kane planning in the heart of his
enemies' base?
In addition to the two campaigns on the epic battles of GDI and Nod, which
players will get to conquer alone or in a cooperative mode, Command & Conquer
4 also features a new 5v5 objective-based multiplayer mode, promoting teamwork
and cooperation and delivering a social real-time-strategy experience never
seen before in a Command & Conquer game.
* The Conclusion of the Saga: Command & Conquer 4 brings the 15-year Tiberium
saga to a powerful and epic conclusion, told through grittier and darker live
action cinematics, the return of Nod's enigmatic leader Kane (Joe Kucan) and
all the answers on the fate of Earth, GDI, Tiberium, Nod and most of all,
Kane himself.
* First Class-based C&C: Play as Offense, Defense or Support classes from GDI
and Nod. Each class is unique, offering players different play styles, giving
you tons of strategic options and coming with its own set of units designed
to support your chosen style.
* Mobile bases: The Crawler is your giant, new, all-in-one mobile base that
you control on the battlefield to produce new units, structures, powers and
upgrades, each specific to the class and faction you chose to play with.
build units and store them in your hull as you move around the map and
surprise your enemy with a sudden fury of units.
* Persistent Player Progression: Every unit you destroy awards you with
experience points. Level up and spend your experience points on new units,
powers and upgrades that give you more strategic options to choose from.
Your progression is stored in your online profile that you can access from
any PC with C&C 4 installed.
* 5v5 Multiplayer: With its objective-based 5v5 multiplayer, Command & Conquer
4 brings a new, social, real-time-strategy experience to your PC. Choose your
individual classes and play together as a team to conquer your enemy.
The all-new party system lets you move with your party of friends from one
online battle to the next.
Tips: Crawler hunter:
Submitted by: awan
Play in skirmish on 5vs5.......join the NOD team and choose support ui for you.
in the game create the 1 engenier and 15 venom.......
use the engenier to grab the tiberium crystal.............
use venom to hunt the crawler or hunt down the oppomemt unit.....
upgrade : acuracy boost, range boost and speed boost first....
when u ready upgrade crawler to level 2 tech...........
-kill (delete) all of your unit........
-create 8 Vertigo Bomber...........to hunt down the enemy crawler faster......
your crawler must be near you vertigo..........'coz vertigo back to the crawler
to reload their weapon............
good luck for you to try............and be crawler hunter.............
max crawler i ever killed are 10 crawler in a skirmish mode........
it work in campaign mode....
nb: don't forget to upgrade the utility of unit and thr crawler tech level.......
The year is 2062 and humanity is at the brink of extinction. With only six
years left until the mysterious crystalline structure Tiberium renders the
earth entirely uninhabitable, the two opposing factions -- Global Defense
Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod -- inevitably find themselves
in desperation for the same cause: to stop Tiberium from extinguishing
mankind. The unthinkable becomes reality and Nod's enigmatic leader Kane
takes off for GDI headquarters. What is Kane planning in the heart of his
enemies' base?
In addition to the two campaigns on the epic battles of GDI and Nod, which
players will get to conquer alone or in a cooperative mode, Command & Conquer
4 also features a new 5v5 objective-based multiplayer mode, promoting teamwork
and cooperation and delivering a social real-time-strategy experience never
seen before in a Command & Conquer game.
* The Conclusion of the Saga: Command & Conquer 4 brings the 15-year Tiberium
saga to a powerful and epic conclusion, told through grittier and darker live
action cinematics, the return of Nod's enigmatic leader Kane (Joe Kucan) and
all the answers on the fate of Earth, GDI, Tiberium, Nod and most of all,
Kane himself.
* First Class-based C&C: Play as Offense, Defense or Support classes from GDI
and Nod. Each class is unique, offering players different play styles, giving
you tons of strategic options and coming with its own set of units designed
to support your chosen style.
* Mobile bases: The Crawler is your giant, new, all-in-one mobile base that
you control on the battlefield to produce new units, structures, powers and
upgrades, each specific to the class and faction you chose to play with.
build units and store them in your hull as you move around the map and
surprise your enemy with a sudden fury of units.
* Persistent Player Progression: Every unit you destroy awards you with
experience points. Level up and spend your experience points on new units,
powers and upgrades that give you more strategic options to choose from.
Your progression is stored in your online profile that you can access from
any PC with C&C 4 installed.
* 5v5 Multiplayer: With its objective-based 5v5 multiplayer, Command & Conquer
4 brings a new, social, real-time-strategy experience to your PC. Choose your
individual classes and play together as a team to conquer your enemy.
The all-new party system lets you move with your party of friends from one
online battle to the next.
Command And Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath
Command And Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath
Submitted by. RM
Multiple unique buildings:
There are some buildings that you can only build once (for example,
Statue of Kane and the Redeemer/Reclamator/Hexapod Facility). However
you can actually build more then one. Get additional Construction Yards
(build MCVs at your War Factory), then place the Construction Yards. You
now have more than one building queue. Start making the building you
want more than one of at all your Construction Yards. When they are done,
place them. The more Construction Yards you have, the more statues or
facilities you can make.
Scrin: Placing buildings in thunder storm:
When playing as the Scrin in either multi-player, Skirmish or the Scrin
campaign mode, it is usually not possible to place buildings within a
thunderstorm produced by the Storm Tower. To get around this, power down
the Storm Tower and place whatever you want next to it (another Storm
Tower is recommended). This strategy will help improve your base.
Unlimited tiberium:
Enter up(5x),down,left(2x),and create the biggest vehicle in that faction.
Kane's Challenge movies:
Successfully complete Kane's Challenge with any faction to unlock Kane's
Challenge movies under the "Movies" option.
Single player campaign movies - Complete the single player campaign.
Kane's Challenge movies - Complete Kane's Challenge with the faction
of your choice.
NOD: Cataclyst Missile:
Play as NOD and drop multiple mines in Tiberium fields. Throw in a Cataclyst
Missile and you will not only blow up the minefield, but also all the mines
in it. The results were devastating, and can annihilate all the enemy ground
forces. This is very useful to make short work of the enemy's super unit.
Also you can use the Cataclyst Missile on a refinery to destroy it with one
hit. This works only on Tiberium manufacturing structures.
Submitted by. RM
Multiple unique buildings:
There are some buildings that you can only build once (for example,
Statue of Kane and the Redeemer/Reclamator/Hexapod Facility). However
you can actually build more then one. Get additional Construction Yards
(build MCVs at your War Factory), then place the Construction Yards. You
now have more than one building queue. Start making the building you
want more than one of at all your Construction Yards. When they are done,
place them. The more Construction Yards you have, the more statues or
facilities you can make.
Scrin: Placing buildings in thunder storm:
When playing as the Scrin in either multi-player, Skirmish or the Scrin
campaign mode, it is usually not possible to place buildings within a
thunderstorm produced by the Storm Tower. To get around this, power down
the Storm Tower and place whatever you want next to it (another Storm
Tower is recommended). This strategy will help improve your base.
Unlimited tiberium:
Enter up(5x),down,left(2x),and create the biggest vehicle in that faction.
Kane's Challenge movies:
Successfully complete Kane's Challenge with any faction to unlock Kane's
Challenge movies under the "Movies" option.
Single player campaign movies - Complete the single player campaign.
Kane's Challenge movies - Complete Kane's Challenge with the faction
of your choice.
NOD: Cataclyst Missile:
Play as NOD and drop multiple mines in Tiberium fields. Throw in a Cataclyst
Missile and you will not only blow up the minefield, but also all the mines
in it. The results were devastating, and can annihilate all the enemy ground
forces. This is very useful to make short work of the enemy's super unit.
Also you can use the Cataclyst Missile on a refinery to destroy it with one
hit. This works only on Tiberium manufacturing structures.
Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars
Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Extra Skirmish mode credits:
Use a text editor to edit the "skrimish.ini" in your "..\profiles\profilename"
folder. Change the value of the credits line in the file to whatever number
Example: Change the number "10000" to the desired amount of credits.
Play as the Scrin:
To play the secret Scrin campaign, finish both the GDI and Nod campaigns.
This will unlock the Scrin campaign of four missions.
Nod campaign:
Successfully complete the GDI mission "Washington DC" in Act.
Play as NOD in Skirmish mode (demo version):
Hold "N" and click your army at the Skirmish mode options menu. You can now
choose to play as NOD. To play as GDI again, hold G and click your army.
Note: This also can be done with the CPU's choice.
GDI attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
Predator Tank
APC with a Grenadier Squad inside
3 or more Rifleman Squads
3 or more Missile Squads
2 APCs with Rifleman Squads inside
2 APCs with Missile Squads inside
2 Grenadier Squads
2 Rifleman Squads
2 Missile Squads
Note: This works best in Skirmish mode. Get fifteen Predator Tanks and get the
Rail Gun upgrade at the Tech Center. Get an Airfield if you do not already have
one. When you have about $5,000 highlight all of your Predator Tanks. Call in
Ox Transports to carry the tanks to the entry of your enemy's base.
NOD attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
2 Militant Squads
2 Militant Rocket Squads
4 Raider Buggys
2 Flame Tanks
2 Scorpion Tanks
4 Raider Buggys
2 Attack Bikes
SCRIN attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
4 Buzzers
4 Disintergrators
3 Seekers (combined with Buzzers)
3 Gun Walkers (combined with Buzzers)
Tiberium Silo:
Note: This was done with the v1.4 patch. You can increase the amount of Tiberium
you can have without the Tiberium Silos. When it asks you to build a Tiberium Silo.
Just build something, and when it completes just cancel (preferably something
expensive like a Tech Center). The amount of Tiberium you can hold keeps increasing
every time you do this.
Scrin: Placing buildings in thunder storm:
When playing as the Scrin in either multi-player or Skirmish mode, it is usually
not possible to place buildings within a thunderstorm produced by the Storm Tower.
The trick to get around this is to power down the Storm Tower and place whatever
you want next to it (for example, another Storm Tower).
This strategy will help to improve your base defense.
Hint: Rush tactic:
This trick is useful for versus online multiplayer with 10,000. Play as Nod or
GDI and place a Crane. Then, build a Power Plant from each and place them. Once
this is done, build two Refineries and place them. Next, sell one and build
another. Then on the other, build queue. Start building a war factory. Place it
and start to build another one. Make sure you have placed your second Refinery.
Then, build two Harvesters from your War Factory. In the meantime build Refineries
and a Comm Center. The moment your Harvesters are done, start building as many
Scorpion Tanks as possible. Place other War Factories and Power Plants as well
to boost production. It is also helpful to place an anti-infantry base defenses
near your MCV to stop the "Engineer rush" tactic. This uses power however and is
not necessary. This tactic works best on Redzone Rampage, as the blue Tiberium
each player starts with boosts resources. Nod is the fastest, as it has the
quickest build speeds. Also instead of Scorpions, build Predators. As soon as
possible also place Tech Center and upgrade tanks with either Laser Capacitors
or Rail Guns. This will not always work, especially when you face upper level
players in the higher ranks. However it is possible to finish a battle in less
than ten minutes with this tactic. It works best with 10,000, but can be done
with more however it is harder as the opposition will have stronger weapons than
you. It works well with 20 as you can use shortcuts and an extra Crane to boost
production and speed of rush.
Stealth detecting Mammothes:
There is a way to get your mammoth tanks, or any unit for that matter to, at
least temporarily detect stealth. First, you must have an airfield, with at
least 1 Orca. Next, you need the sensor pod upgrade. Finally, just target the
units you want to detect stealth, and drop a pod on em.
The pod will detect stealth, and your unit will react. Simple as that.
Kane's Tower: Easy completion:
This mission becomes a lot easier when you capture the Scrin base. The tactic
to do this is when GDI sends its main attack force to the base consisting of
the Mammoths, Predator tanks, Pitbulls, etc. Wipe these out with the Juggernauts
or use the super weapons or bombers. When they are destroyed, they leave the
Scrin base with no defenses which is perfect for you. Send in the Emissionary
and start to deploy and set up your own Nod defenses. Also try capturing the
Scrin airfield to the left and build the Scrin Construction yard. Use both
Scrin defenses and Nod defenses to repel the GDI attacks. Use this tactic on
the hardest setting and the mission becomes very easy. You will get control
of the tower and will be able to withstand the attacks. Leaving the Scrin in
control means the GDI will wilk into the area and destroy the tower. You are
now able to deploy Nod and Scrin units, making assaulting the GDI bases easier.
Alternate Ending:
Entry Location: On the final level.
The "Bad" Ending - Use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb
The "Good" Ending - Don't use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb
GDI: Sledgehammer squadron:
Submitted by: Cheatsbook
As you start the game, gain the ability to build both Mammoth Tanks and
Juggernant Walkers at a fast pace (about three War Factories) and get a
massive array of base defense turrets. Build nine Mammoth Tanks and three
Juggernants (three Mammoths and one Juggernant per factory). You can also
use the Shock Trooper Drop pods to bolster the anti-infantry capabilities.
This squad will be able to easily level any enemy base in about three
minutes. It is recommended to destroy the superweapon first as in any
NOTE: This is best done in Skirmish mode on the Unfair Advantage map
starting from the top.
This is the mission where you don't have enough power to activate all buildings.
First off, power down the Barracks so you have enough power for all ground defenses.
Next, build up 10 or so Predators and destroy the War Factories of the northeastern
Nod base. This will put down the enemy armor coming from that direction, so sell the
Guardian Cannons and use the surplus power to activate the Barracks and the AA Guns.
When you go for the reinforcements, put APCs to the roads on the western edge of the
map to prevent Militant Rocket Squads from garrisoning the buildings on your way back.
When the MCV reaches your base, you have essentially won the mission. Of the remaining
Nod bases: the southwestern trains infantry only, so it will be of relatively little
The southeastern, on the other hand, attacks with aircraft and the cliff itself is:
* impossable to ground units which means Mammoths are out of the question.
* heavily defended by SAM Turrets so attacking with Orcas is suicide.
Nod will build about a dozen Venoms with laser cannons which will run through Predators
fairly quickly, not to mention that the base is also defended by Stealth Tanks. Your
best bet is to build a Surveyor, fly it to the northern, undefended part and deploy it
with a bunch of AA Guns. Next, lure out the Venoms; when they are dead, raze everything
to the ground, starting with the Air Towers.
Build up your base with heavy defenses. Nod attacks intensify over time and the two
Mammoths will be overwhelmed by the superior Avatars quickly. For an effective defense,
capture every Avatar you come across by killing it and reactivating the husk with an
Engineer. I amassed about 30 then counter-attacked, destroying the Temple defenses in
one go! If you need more time, kill the Obelisks at the southernmost entrance, sneak
in with a Sniper Team to spot for Juggernauts firing from your base. Once the first
Ion Field Distruptor is down, call in an Ion Cannon strike on the two War Factories
at the south entrance to buy some time. Against infantry, use a similar tactic on the
Hands of Nod at the east entrance. Both entrances have their own Air Towers, too.
Unlock Scrin Compaign Without Compleet GDI and NOD Compaign:
Submitted by: Faraz Akbar Khan (Pakistan - Karachi)
* Make a backup of the "ProfileData.ini" file located in "Documents and Settings[USERNAME]"
Application DataCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsProfiles[PROFILE NAME].
On Windows Vista this file will most likely be in a different location.
Do a search for the file 'ProfileData.ini'.
* You may need to 'Show Hidden Files' in Folder Options if you cannot see the Application
Data folder.
* Overwrite the "ProfileData.ini" file with the one included in this archive.
* ALTERNATELY: Open your existing "ProfileData.ini" file with Notepad and change all
numbers to '9'. There should be 16 numbers total.
For example your file may look like this:
PPK = 3139777886553609 change it to:
PPK = 9999999999999999
* Load the game. The Scrin campaign should now be playable.
Powerfull defence:
Submitted by: inferno
Just build a war factory near the place you want to defensd and thewn build mamoth tanks
and have them hold postion in the area of the war factory now they will be repaired every
time they are damaged and will go up in rank meaning they will be even more powerfull and
when its time to destroy youre opponent send in youre ranked up mamoths to finish them off
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Extra Skirmish mode credits:
Use a text editor to edit the "skrimish.ini" in your "..\profiles\profilename"
folder. Change the value of the credits line in the file to whatever number
Example: Change the number "10000" to the desired amount of credits.
Play as the Scrin:
To play the secret Scrin campaign, finish both the GDI and Nod campaigns.
This will unlock the Scrin campaign of four missions.
Nod campaign:
Successfully complete the GDI mission "Washington DC" in Act.
Play as NOD in Skirmish mode (demo version):
Hold "N" and click your army at the Skirmish mode options menu. You can now
choose to play as NOD. To play as GDI again, hold G and click your army.
Note: This also can be done with the CPU's choice.
GDI attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
Predator Tank
APC with a Grenadier Squad inside
3 or more Rifleman Squads
3 or more Missile Squads
2 APCs with Rifleman Squads inside
2 APCs with Missile Squads inside
2 Grenadier Squads
2 Rifleman Squads
2 Missile Squads
Note: This works best in Skirmish mode. Get fifteen Predator Tanks and get the
Rail Gun upgrade at the Tech Center. Get an Airfield if you do not already have
one. When you have about $5,000 highlight all of your Predator Tanks. Call in
Ox Transports to carry the tanks to the entry of your enemy's base.
NOD attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
2 Militant Squads
2 Militant Rocket Squads
4 Raider Buggys
2 Flame Tanks
2 Scorpion Tanks
4 Raider Buggys
2 Attack Bikes
SCRIN attack combinations:
Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions.
4 Buzzers
4 Disintergrators
3 Seekers (combined with Buzzers)
3 Gun Walkers (combined with Buzzers)
Tiberium Silo:
Note: This was done with the v1.4 patch. You can increase the amount of Tiberium
you can have without the Tiberium Silos. When it asks you to build a Tiberium Silo.
Just build something, and when it completes just cancel (preferably something
expensive like a Tech Center). The amount of Tiberium you can hold keeps increasing
every time you do this.
Scrin: Placing buildings in thunder storm:
When playing as the Scrin in either multi-player or Skirmish mode, it is usually
not possible to place buildings within a thunderstorm produced by the Storm Tower.
The trick to get around this is to power down the Storm Tower and place whatever
you want next to it (for example, another Storm Tower).
This strategy will help to improve your base defense.
Hint: Rush tactic:
This trick is useful for versus online multiplayer with 10,000. Play as Nod or
GDI and place a Crane. Then, build a Power Plant from each and place them. Once
this is done, build two Refineries and place them. Next, sell one and build
another. Then on the other, build queue. Start building a war factory. Place it
and start to build another one. Make sure you have placed your second Refinery.
Then, build two Harvesters from your War Factory. In the meantime build Refineries
and a Comm Center. The moment your Harvesters are done, start building as many
Scorpion Tanks as possible. Place other War Factories and Power Plants as well
to boost production. It is also helpful to place an anti-infantry base defenses
near your MCV to stop the "Engineer rush" tactic. This uses power however and is
not necessary. This tactic works best on Redzone Rampage, as the blue Tiberium
each player starts with boosts resources. Nod is the fastest, as it has the
quickest build speeds. Also instead of Scorpions, build Predators. As soon as
possible also place Tech Center and upgrade tanks with either Laser Capacitors
or Rail Guns. This will not always work, especially when you face upper level
players in the higher ranks. However it is possible to finish a battle in less
than ten minutes with this tactic. It works best with 10,000, but can be done
with more however it is harder as the opposition will have stronger weapons than
you. It works well with 20 as you can use shortcuts and an extra Crane to boost
production and speed of rush.
Stealth detecting Mammothes:
There is a way to get your mammoth tanks, or any unit for that matter to, at
least temporarily detect stealth. First, you must have an airfield, with at
least 1 Orca. Next, you need the sensor pod upgrade. Finally, just target the
units you want to detect stealth, and drop a pod on em.
The pod will detect stealth, and your unit will react. Simple as that.
Kane's Tower: Easy completion:
This mission becomes a lot easier when you capture the Scrin base. The tactic
to do this is when GDI sends its main attack force to the base consisting of
the Mammoths, Predator tanks, Pitbulls, etc. Wipe these out with the Juggernauts
or use the super weapons or bombers. When they are destroyed, they leave the
Scrin base with no defenses which is perfect for you. Send in the Emissionary
and start to deploy and set up your own Nod defenses. Also try capturing the
Scrin airfield to the left and build the Scrin Construction yard. Use both
Scrin defenses and Nod defenses to repel the GDI attacks. Use this tactic on
the hardest setting and the mission becomes very easy. You will get control
of the tower and will be able to withstand the attacks. Leaving the Scrin in
control means the GDI will wilk into the area and destroy the tower. You are
now able to deploy Nod and Scrin units, making assaulting the GDI bases easier.
Alternate Ending:
Entry Location: On the final level.
The "Bad" Ending - Use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb
The "Good" Ending - Don't use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb
GDI: Sledgehammer squadron:
Submitted by: Cheatsbook
As you start the game, gain the ability to build both Mammoth Tanks and
Juggernant Walkers at a fast pace (about three War Factories) and get a
massive array of base defense turrets. Build nine Mammoth Tanks and three
Juggernants (three Mammoths and one Juggernant per factory). You can also
use the Shock Trooper Drop pods to bolster the anti-infantry capabilities.
This squad will be able to easily level any enemy base in about three
minutes. It is recommended to destroy the superweapon first as in any
NOTE: This is best done in Skirmish mode on the Unfair Advantage map
starting from the top.
This is the mission where you don't have enough power to activate all buildings.
First off, power down the Barracks so you have enough power for all ground defenses.
Next, build up 10 or so Predators and destroy the War Factories of the northeastern
Nod base. This will put down the enemy armor coming from that direction, so sell the
Guardian Cannons and use the surplus power to activate the Barracks and the AA Guns.
When you go for the reinforcements, put APCs to the roads on the western edge of the
map to prevent Militant Rocket Squads from garrisoning the buildings on your way back.
When the MCV reaches your base, you have essentially won the mission. Of the remaining
Nod bases: the southwestern trains infantry only, so it will be of relatively little
The southeastern, on the other hand, attacks with aircraft and the cliff itself is:
* impossable to ground units which means Mammoths are out of the question.
* heavily defended by SAM Turrets so attacking with Orcas is suicide.
Nod will build about a dozen Venoms with laser cannons which will run through Predators
fairly quickly, not to mention that the base is also defended by Stealth Tanks. Your
best bet is to build a Surveyor, fly it to the northern, undefended part and deploy it
with a bunch of AA Guns. Next, lure out the Venoms; when they are dead, raze everything
to the ground, starting with the Air Towers.
Build up your base with heavy defenses. Nod attacks intensify over time and the two
Mammoths will be overwhelmed by the superior Avatars quickly. For an effective defense,
capture every Avatar you come across by killing it and reactivating the husk with an
Engineer. I amassed about 30 then counter-attacked, destroying the Temple defenses in
one go! If you need more time, kill the Obelisks at the southernmost entrance, sneak
in with a Sniper Team to spot for Juggernauts firing from your base. Once the first
Ion Field Distruptor is down, call in an Ion Cannon strike on the two War Factories
at the south entrance to buy some time. Against infantry, use a similar tactic on the
Hands of Nod at the east entrance. Both entrances have their own Air Towers, too.
Unlock Scrin Compaign Without Compleet GDI and NOD Compaign:
Submitted by: Faraz Akbar Khan (Pakistan - Karachi)
* Make a backup of the "ProfileData.ini" file located in "Documents and Settings[USERNAME]"
Application DataCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsProfiles[PROFILE NAME].
On Windows Vista this file will most likely be in a different location.
Do a search for the file 'ProfileData.ini'.
* You may need to 'Show Hidden Files' in Folder Options if you cannot see the Application
Data folder.
* Overwrite the "ProfileData.ini" file with the one included in this archive.
* ALTERNATELY: Open your existing "ProfileData.ini" file with Notepad and change all
numbers to '9'. There should be 16 numbers total.
For example your file may look like this:
PPK = 3139777886553609 change it to:
PPK = 9999999999999999
* Load the game. The Scrin campaign should now be playable.
Powerfull defence:
Submitted by: inferno
Just build a war factory near the place you want to defensd and thewn build mamoth tanks
and have them hold postion in the area of the war factory now they will be repaired every
time they are damaged and will go up in rank meaning they will be even more powerfull and
when its time to destroy youre opponent send in youre ranked up mamoths to finish them off
Command & Conquer - Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer - Yuri's Revenge
Submitted by: PhoenixR, galrolli@hotmail.com
When playing against a Yuri computer enemy and have a chronosphere, chronoshift
the slaveminer into the water when the slaves are close to its base or units
(don't harm the slaves!!!). When the miner falls into the water, the slaves
become white neutral units and the computer does not attack them, but they
attack anything that near them. I've distroyed lots of Yuri bases like this.
The slaves kill slowly but the computer won't harm them (max accidentally run
them over. Works great with version 1.00, but probably with the newer patches too.
Another tip:
Place bombs on enemy chronominers if you can at the rigth moment before shifting
back to the base (do this with a crazy Ivan of course). The miner returns to the
base and BOOM. To bomb hits and the refinery isdestroyed.
Submitted by: f16dude
When playing as yuri in a skirmish build 2 floating disks. Send the first one and
have it drain the enemy's power which will disable anti-air defences. Then send
thesecond one and have it steal money from their ore refinery.
Submitted by: Oz2k
When doing the missions always build up your base and defences before attacking,
on most missions Yuri's forces won't actually expand there base. Once you have
enough resources build long range units, like the Apocalypse Tank or the Prism
Tank which can destroy Yuri's annoying base defences before they can affect you.
50 brute's cheat:
E-mail: jordan_bailey@hotmail.com
Submitted by: jordan
Build 10-20 slave miner's (20 is the best) get the all on 1 ore patch build a
mutata and use it on your slave's and you will have up to 150 slave's your slave's
will come back.
Tactics when playing as Yuri:
E-mail: XtremeGamer2000@yahoo.com
Submitted by: XtremeGamer2000
-=Cash Increase=-
...You need:
* A genetic mutator charged to full.
* Cloning Vats (optional but recommended).
* Meat Grinder.
* Lots a cash.
Crank out a huge army of Initiates and bunch them up in one location. Use the
genetic mutator and turn them into brutes, send the New brutes into your meat grinder.
-=Double Devastation=-
...You need:
* A fully charged Psychic Dominator
* A fully charged genetic mutator
* Enemy base's location
Use the dominator in the center of where he has a few buildings bunched up, now
immediately use the mutator at the same spot, You should now have destroyed most of
his buildings and have an army of Brutes to take care of the remainder.
E-mail: debananen@hotmail.com
Submitted by: Mark
When playing as Yuri in a skirmish or multiplayer game, there's an easy way to win.
Firstly, make sure that your base is well protected so that you don't have to worry
about that later. Then make sure that you have enough money, and start building about
8 floating discs; keep them near your base. When the're all done, order them to attack
one of your opponent's powerplants; this will take out his power fo his air defense.
When one of the discs is floating over one of the powerplants and draining the power,
then make the other discs attack the anti-air units of your opponent. When those are
all eliminated, you will be free to destroy the base completely; probably without
having lost one unit.
Submitted by: nightraider
If a Squid tries to "sink" an Allied Robot Tank, its tentacles will change color and
it pops up without traveling. After the Robot Tank is destroyed, the squid changes
back to normal.
Allied Battle Fortress Strategies:
If five chrono legionaires are put in a battle fortress it becomes the awesome
Chronotank. Use snipers, Tanyas, or Navy Seals for infantry and Tesla troopers and
Gaurdian GIs for tanks or a combination of everything. Just don't use the Legionares
with other units because they will all target one unit but only the Legionaire will
Triple Gattling Speed:
Get a gattling cannon and set it to attack ground, call it a number and leave it.
When an aircraft comes press its number and click on the aircraft and it will fire
at triple the speed.(Works best on those Kirof Airships!!!)
Lots-a-Brutes: (Yuri side only!)
Get the genetic Mutator ready. Turn super Weapons on and start a game. Build about
5-10 slave miners and send them all to one ore patch. Once all slave's are in range
of the mutator click and all slaves turn into brutes. The slaves will be replaced
and you could have 50 brutes!!(if u need cash, grind em!).
Easy Win:
First built cloning vats, than built a yuri prime(you'll get 2) then nuilt a flying
disk, attack with your flying disk power plant(it will drin its power), then with
yuri prime caputere barracks or war factory, make some units to come out of the
caputred building, and then finally use your second yuri prime to caputere the
constuction yard.
Special Unit Cheat:
If you can build cloning vats, use them to make a second yuri prime, boris etc.
Simply build your cloning vats and then build your special unit.
Very Easy Win:
With Yuri's side build 7-10 flying disk, attack your opponents power plant with
1 flying disk use the rest to attack all the structures. With soviet simply build
7-10 apocalypse and make sure they get upgrated to elite. Then you simpy fully
raid the opponents grade starting with power plants and construction yard.
Submitted by: jole
If u are playing for yuri magnetrons can lift enemy vehicles and drop them on
walls, cliffs and water, they will instantly die.
e-mail(ed): nikola.pecik@public.srce.hr
submitted by: Potemkin
Want you to get a CHRONO IVAN?! Play with the ALLIED side (USA,France...) against
a SOVIET side (Libya,Iraq...).
1. Build a barracks and a Battle lab as fast as you can.
2. Train a spy.
3. Kill the enemy's dogs and discuise your spy!
4. When the enemy builds the Soviet battle lab send your spy in his lab QUICKLY
You will get a Chrono Ivan if you did what I have written.
The Chrono Ivan will move like the Chrono Legionnaire, but will lay bombs into
buildings like Tanya, Crazy Ivan.
Make sure that you don't move him close to a prism tower or a tesla coil.
HINT: Move your Spy near Soviet base to come faster to battle lab.
BEST PARATROOPER DEFENSE (Works only with Yuri):
Submitted by:: Potemkin
E-mail: nikola.pecik@public.srce.hr
1. Build barracks
2. Build psychic sensor
3. Train Yuri clone (800$)
This is very usefull when playing against America (or a side with captured Tech
Airports). When you see paratroopers falling from the sky, move Yuri clone on
the shadow on ground (multiple dots). Make sure that you moved Yuri clone on
place with most shadows. Make sure that you DON'T HAVE ANY OF YOUR INFANTRY
and most of the troopers will explode in the air! The troopers that remain will
capture Yuri clone ;-)
NOTE: You can do the same thing with Yuri prime (1500$)
Submitted by:Devastation Master
Siege On Yuri Base:
...You need:
1. Build 30 or more Siege Choppers
2. Build 30 or more Terror Drones
3. Build 10 or more Flak Tracks
First move all Siege Choppers into the area where is safety near Yuri base and
deploy all Siege Choppers at out of range of all Yuri base defenses try to move
Terror Drones and Flak Tracks behind Siege Choppers then move Siege Chopper one
by one try to move close front of Siege Choppers line(wait for clear then move)
then move close to Yuri base as slowly but excellent guarding if you see Floating
Disk use Flak Tracks shoot them down if you see Menetron use Terror Drones to
destroy it and use Siege Choppers to destroy other unit but you may use Terror
Drone to support your Siege Chopper against Master Mind but you must create new
unit to replace all destroyed unit as quickly as possible. (I think it like Allied's
Prism Tank assault but I do it in Soviet version) Remember destroy every enemy unit
who move close first then move.
NOTE: Watch for Chaos Drones they can disrupt your siege line.
Super Mastermind Fghter:
Submitted by: MartexGT
This trick alows you to control 5 units with one tank.
To do it you must be in Yuri's side only. Train Yuri Prime or Engineer to capture
Allied CON. Yard, then build barraks, war factory, battle lab and a battle fortres.
Then train five Yuri Clones and send them into Battle fortres, now you have a super
mastermind fighter. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Submitted by: Jaaziel Charisma:
Email: magneticaability@yahoo.com
You can create an supermind which can easily dominate the mastermind. Play as Yuri.
Mind control a Battlefortress. Now send in 5 Yuri clone and move it to yr enemies
base. It can trample other tanks and can fire on your enemies and can also mind
control 5 uniots and unlike the mastermind it can remain with full life. any one
who reads this pls send me an e mail with a comment on this. Thank u.
Submitted by: gamesurfer
Play Yuri and take a Magnetron to your enemy's base. Find a tank or any other
vehicle and position yourself so there is a building between your Magnetron and
the vehicle. Pull the vehicle towards you. When it is directly above the building,
move the magnetron so the vehicle drops on the building.
The Vehile will be destroyed and the building will suffer damage as well.
Complete all allied missions:
Submitted by: chriss
To complete all allied missions in yuri's revenge just build ore refinery barracks
some pillboxes(3-4)then the war factory then the battle lab, build 3 miners and
10-15 laser tanks and destroy yuri's base, because yuri's defenses are weak against
the laser, don't put them to close to the defenses, from far aim at them.
If you want to know something just send me an email on chriss_91@hotmail.com
Submitted by: tomislav(a)Nebes.odlikasi.net
When you play at Soviet side build 3 rhinos, 1 V3 launcher, 10 constripts, 2
teslas,1 apocalypse and Boris. Rhinos destroy weaker defences, V3 destroy stronger
defences(prism tower) constripts kill infantry, tesla troopers protect constripts,
apocalypse eliminates enemy tanks(fully loaded battle fortress) and boris destroy
AA guns and base structures. And if you want to, bring enginners and capture
enemy building to have new tech, and than combine them(IFV and TESLA TROOPER ETC).
Here is a very easy tip:
Submitted by: tomislav(a)Nebes.odlikasi.net
When you play as an American you can paratroop many troops near your base and
than build few tanks, and a NAVY SEAL and voila, the GI's will kill troops,
tanks destroy other tanks and defences and SEAL or Tanya destroy power plants
and if you want to, use Harriers to destroy the entire base, GOOD LUCK!
Submitted by: TR1STAN
You have to be soviet to do this.build a power plant 2 attack dogs and a normal
tank then attack the power plant with your tank and then finish it off with your
Defeat Yuri quickly:
On the last Allied mission, build the Soviet Radar and Chrono in an Allied MCV.
Once the MCV is Chronoed in, destroy it with the Prism tank and Grizzly tank and
move the remaining forces to the left side of the screen. Repeat this until a
sufficient force is built up and attack Yuri's bases. All of the tanks will be
free. To make it easier, build a Nuke Silo and destroy the Psychic Dominator and
Genetic Mutator. Alternately, use the nuke three times to destroy the Psychic
Dominator and use six Kirov Airships to destroy the Genetic Mutator.
Base destruction with Chrono Commandos:
This trick only works with the Allies. First, buy some Spies when possible. Camouflage
them as an enemy unit. Send in the Spy and try to infiltrate a Battle Lab. You now have
a Crono Commando unit. Buy that unit and send it to a base. The Crono Commando is just
like a Chrono Legionnaire mixed with a Navy Seal. Use the Crono Commando's detonation
packs (C4) to destroy every building. Because the Crono Commando has a machine gun and
a Crono Pack, it can teleport, destroy, and teleport to the next.
Submitted by: jack
Get some tanks and do force attack on your own power plant and your power will go up
Psychic immune units:
Get control of the Psychic Dominator. The best way to do this is to set random crates
on, so that random powered up crates appear on the map. If you are lucky, you will
get a Yuri MCV. Build Yuri's super weapon, called the Psychic Dominator. When it is
fully charged, get the units you want to be Psychic immune and hit them with the
Dominator. Do this far from your base, since the Dominator also destroys nearby
buildings. These units are now Psychic immune because they will act as if they are
already mind controlled. Yuri and his army cannot control them. The only downside
is that the new Psychic immune units cannot be put into Transports, Battle Fortresses,
IFVs, Flack Tracks, and Nighthawks.
Superpowered Tesla Coil:
First, build a Tesla Coil, then build three to six Tesla Troopers. Move the Tesla
Troopers close to the coil and they will zap it with their Tesla weapon. Doing this
with three or more troopers increases the coil's range and power enough to destroy
most units in one hit or so. Five of these super coils placed at the entrance of the
base can stop nearly all small to medium assaults. This also keeps the coil online
even if the power goes out. This trick also works with the Tesla Reactor and will
bring your power level up by a few points, which is useful when building super
Build units promoted or build secret units:
In multi- player mode, have an ally, then build three Engineers and three Spies. Get
a tank or something to damage your ally's War Factory, Battle Lab, or Barracks just
enough so an Engineer can be sent in to repair it. Move your three Engineers and three
Spies next to the building you want to spy, for example, an allied Battle Lab. Then,
select your six men and click on "Waypoints" Click the men to walk right next to the
Battle Lab (not inside yet), then click on the Battle Lab. Your Engineers and Spies
should now go inside. The "New Technology Acquired" message should appear, and you
can now build a Chrono-Commando. This can also be done to War Factories and Barracks.
Note: Sometimes it may work with only one Engineer and one Spy.
Mind control your own units:
When playing as Yuri, build the Psychic Dominator. Wait until the timer runs down to
zero (0:00). Get a few of your units gathered in an area. Take the units away from
your base or you will destroy your buildings. When the Psychic Dominator is ready
to be activated, use it on your units. Your units should now have a little brainwave
above them, letting you know they are being mind controlled. Your units will not
change to the bad enemy, but they are just being mind controlled for no reason.
Also, they do not self control themselves like civilians.
Keep Construction Yard:
In skirmish or multi-player mode, when you need a base and have a Yuri Prime, capture
the Construction Yard, then click on it. After that, click anywhere on the map in the
area. The vehicle is now permanently yours.
Cheap bomb:
Play as Yuri and capture a Soviet base. Then, build a Crazy Ivan. Build a Flak Track
and five Conscripts. Have Ivan set a bomb on one, then make it go into the truck. Do
this for all five conscripts. To detonate, first make the hit points reach zero. Then,
deploy the Flak Track. Do not put the Ivan in the truck. It will not make a small
demolition truck. This trick also works with Amphibious Transports, but with a bigger
Destroy enemy Construction Yard:
First, you need to have two allies, one Allied and one Soviet. After building a Cloning
Vat, build a Yuri Prime. With the Cloning Vat you will get two of them. Send each of
your Yuri Primes to both of your allies' Construction Yard. After building a Psychic
Dominator, Nuclear Silo, and Weather Storm, wait until they are all ready. When they
are, and you know where your enemy's construction yard is located, launch all of them
one after another as quick as possible. This will cripple your enemy's base.
Easy money:
In a skirmish game, build everything desired and needed in order to generate at least
two UFO units. Find an enemy base and use one UFO to power down the base while the other
covers the first. Once the ground is clear of any offensive or defensive threat (such as
Flak Troopers, Guardian GIs, Patriot Missiles, etc.), send the remaining UFO unit to the
enemy's Oil Refinery. The siphon on the UFO will transfer a small amount of money from
the enemy refinery to your bank (at a rate of about $20 per second). If you keep continue
to do this, you will eventually win; not to mention fund anything else you would end up
building. This is an especially good tactic to use against multiple enemies.
Killing War Miners:
This trick requires you to be any Soviet country. Tech to Flak Tracks and Terror Drones.
Load the Drones up in your Flak Track. Each Track can hold up to two Drones. Search for
an enemy War Miner. Note: This does not work as well against Chrono Miners because they
can just Chrono back to their base and be rid of your Drone. Get near the enemy Miner
with your Flak Trak, then either let it get killed or unload your Trak. Your Terror
Drones will automatically latch themselves to the enemy War Miner and begin to destroy
it from the inside. This trick is useful becaise War Miners can destroy your Terror
Drones with one shot, so you would have to send about five of them at a single War Miner.
Note: If your enemy manages to send the War Miner to a repairing station before it is
destroyed, it will destroy your Terror Drone.
Bomber Spies:
This trick requires you to have control of both the Allied and Soviet tech trees. Build
some Spies and a Crazy Ivan. Have your Spies put on a disguise of the enemy you are
attacking as soon as they can. When you are relatively close to your enemy's base, strap
bombs onto your Spies using your Ivan, then send your Spies to the building(s) you wish
to destroy. The enemy will not automatically attack your Spies because they believe it
is one of their own units. Your Spy is free to go wherever desired, unless your enemy has
Attack Dogs. Once your Spy reaches the desired location, let the bomb explode. This will
cause moderate damage to anything near it. Several Spies may be required to destroy
bigger buildings, but usually one or two will destroy something like a Prism Tower, a
Tesla Coil, a Sentry Gun, a Pillbox, and a Gatling Gun.Note: This does not work well
against a Yuri opponent, because they usually have Psychic Towers all over their base
which automatically mind controls a Spy, disguised or not. Also, this trick has reduced
effectiveness against human opponents because anyone paying attention will figure out
that your Spy is obviously not one of their own units, though if the Spy is killed, the
bomb will still detonate.
Unlimited units with Mastermind:
Submitted by: George Lee
This will only work when you are having the allies war factory, yuri's war factory and
the battle lab of yuri.
* First of all, train three to ten engineers, build the same amount of IFV, send all
the engineers into the IFVs.
* Next, build one mastermind, you can now psychic any amount units you want using this
unit with all the Engineering IFVs surrounding it.
Nighthawk landing on water:
Select a skirmish level with water as the Allies. Build a Chronosphere and land your
Nighthawk chopper on some land that is away, so that other units cannot accidentally
be transported along with it. When your Chronosphere is done, select the Nighthawk
and choose an area of water to put it on. Next, transport the Nighthawk onto it. If
you have units in the nighthawk, it will not deploy them. If there are any ships in
the water, they can destroy your Nighthawk if you cannot get it to take off fast
France mission:
After your base is well built, defended well, and you have a lot of money, build a new
MCV. Then, build two tanks with it. When the units are finished, order the tanks to
escort the MCV. Then, start building a Grand Cannon. Send the MCV to the enemy base,
but out far enough so that it cannot get damaged. When it arrives, move the tanks away
and deploy the MCV. By now, the Grand Cannon should be finished. Deploy it by your new
Construction Yard. Then, target any structures as desired. Make sure you build pillboxes
for close range defense. If you need more range to put other Grand Cannons, build Barracks
since they are the cheapest. Then, place the new Grand Cannon further out.
You can do this repeatedly for other bases -- just sell the Grand Cannon(s).
Cheaper Cosmonauts:
* In the Soviet mission where you are on the moon, the Cosmonauts cost $600. Use the
following trick to get cheaper Cosmonauts. Build a lot of Barracks and sell a few.
The barracks cost $500 and give you a cosmonaut, saving you $100. If you need a few
others, building a lot of Barracks will increase the rate at which they are trained.
You have plenty of money for this mission -- build many Cosmonauts and attack the bases.
The Psychic Towers and Masterminds cannot affect them since they are an air unit.
* Build a War Factory and sell it. You should get four Cosmonauts, which will save $400
dollars. However, you will get money from selling the War Factory for a savings of $1400.
Make sure to have a primary War Factory before doing this.
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Mutate soldiers in enemy base, where some rhino tanks are. Brutes will want to destory
rhino tanks but order them to structures. They also again attack at rhinos. Order at
structures again. One of the brutes may will stuck on a rhino tank. The brute is not
useable any more.
Traitor allies:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Make sure you have not selected "Short game" option. And you must select "Super weapons"
option. Play the skirmish game as soviets. Destroy all enemy structures. Fortress walls
does not effect. Now your allies will bomb your base with nuclear missiles, if they have
Contents of crates:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Have you never know what all the bonus crates will content? Here is some:
Promotion : Unit that picked the crate will get promoted.
Speed upgrade : All your units and built units will get more speed.
Armor upgrade : All your units and built units will get better armour.
Clear map : All unrevealed terrains will be seen.
Cash bonus : You will get an random amount more cash.
Vehicle bonus : After picking, a random vehicle appears to your use.
Health fill : Unit that picked the crate will get healed to full.
Stuck squid:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Set chronosphere on a squid, when it attacks at robot tank, Teleport them to land and
squid will stuck to there after destroying the tank.
Civilian structure diplomacy:
Submitted by: Battle stations
Go to skirmish mode, select game type as "battle" and select a level named "Manhattan Mayhem"
This level contains a lot of civilian structures and some of them can be captured to players
Statue Of Liberty : The huge statue that was seen on Red Alert 2
Location : Southwest near to an small island that contains Jewels and an Oil Derrick
Tech Lab : This lab gives you ability to build and use a random unit that your chosen team
cant use.
Location : Northwest in edge of the map
#1 Oil derrick : An another way to get money, it collects some oil all the time
#2 Two oil derricks
Location : #1 Southwest on small island next to Jewellery Field. #2 Close to middle of the
Airport : Gives the ability to produce free paradrops every few minute
Location : Southwest to the middle of the map a bit Near to #2 Oil Derricks
Machine shop : Repairs your vehicles free and anywhere
Location : Southwest to a lower bridge near a player startpoint
Hospital : Heals your infantry free and anywhere
Location : Northeast to a player startpoint in southwest
"attack anything" button:
Submitted by: coolbolt
Email: muhsunalihadi@gmail.com
After selecting your units, hold CTRL. This will change the cursor to attack. This only
applied to military units or buildings(does not work on MCV or Chrono miners) If you have
yuri prime... well, just do the rest to your allies.
Amazing tactic!:
Submitted by: richie mcrichardson
Start as france. Build 3 chrono miners and as many ivfs as soon as possible. build aircraft
thing and battle lab. build 3 grand cannons around your base. Build a service depot.
Now comes the fun stuff. First keep a grand cannon ready. Build a MCV and move it near the
opponents base so that it isnt being hit You might want to take some mirage tanks or ivfs with it.
Deploy it. Put that grand cannon next to your MCV. Attack all buildings and units with grand
cannon (build another cannon it you can). Once you do that, move a little closer and build more
grand cannons. Keep doing til you wipe out their base
If opponent is sending a lot of units and tanks to kill you, build some prism towers as well.
Battle Fortress strategies:
Submitted by: Kevin Vong
If you are allied get a battle fortress put 2 rocket soldiers 1 Tanya 1 Chronolegendaire 1
seal send them into the battle fortress and attack a building the chronolegendaire will handle
it the others like Tanya and seal Will kill any infantry the rocket soldiers will attack the
buildings and tanks making a lot of damage if you see a battle bunker let your rocket soldiers
attack if they tried to use air attackers your rocket soldiers attack this is the ultimate
attack and defensive battle fortress your rocket soldier will be your primary weapon.
Submitted by: PhoenixR, galrolli@hotmail.com
When playing against a Yuri computer enemy and have a chronosphere, chronoshift
the slaveminer into the water when the slaves are close to its base or units
(don't harm the slaves!!!). When the miner falls into the water, the slaves
become white neutral units and the computer does not attack them, but they
attack anything that near them. I've distroyed lots of Yuri bases like this.
The slaves kill slowly but the computer won't harm them (max accidentally run
them over. Works great with version 1.00, but probably with the newer patches too.
Another tip:
Place bombs on enemy chronominers if you can at the rigth moment before shifting
back to the base (do this with a crazy Ivan of course). The miner returns to the
base and BOOM. To bomb hits and the refinery isdestroyed.
Submitted by: f16dude
When playing as yuri in a skirmish build 2 floating disks. Send the first one and
have it drain the enemy's power which will disable anti-air defences. Then send
thesecond one and have it steal money from their ore refinery.
Submitted by: Oz2k
When doing the missions always build up your base and defences before attacking,
on most missions Yuri's forces won't actually expand there base. Once you have
enough resources build long range units, like the Apocalypse Tank or the Prism
Tank which can destroy Yuri's annoying base defences before they can affect you.
50 brute's cheat:
E-mail: jordan_bailey@hotmail.com
Submitted by: jordan
Build 10-20 slave miner's (20 is the best) get the all on 1 ore patch build a
mutata and use it on your slave's and you will have up to 150 slave's your slave's
will come back.
Tactics when playing as Yuri:
E-mail: XtremeGamer2000@yahoo.com
Submitted by: XtremeGamer2000
-=Cash Increase=-
...You need:
* A genetic mutator charged to full.
* Cloning Vats (optional but recommended).
* Meat Grinder.
* Lots a cash.
Crank out a huge army of Initiates and bunch them up in one location. Use the
genetic mutator and turn them into brutes, send the New brutes into your meat grinder.
-=Double Devastation=-
...You need:
* A fully charged Psychic Dominator
* A fully charged genetic mutator
* Enemy base's location
Use the dominator in the center of where he has a few buildings bunched up, now
immediately use the mutator at the same spot, You should now have destroyed most of
his buildings and have an army of Brutes to take care of the remainder.
E-mail: debananen@hotmail.com
Submitted by: Mark
When playing as Yuri in a skirmish or multiplayer game, there's an easy way to win.
Firstly, make sure that your base is well protected so that you don't have to worry
about that later. Then make sure that you have enough money, and start building about
8 floating discs; keep them near your base. When the're all done, order them to attack
one of your opponent's powerplants; this will take out his power fo his air defense.
When one of the discs is floating over one of the powerplants and draining the power,
then make the other discs attack the anti-air units of your opponent. When those are
all eliminated, you will be free to destroy the base completely; probably without
having lost one unit.
Submitted by: nightraider
If a Squid tries to "sink" an Allied Robot Tank, its tentacles will change color and
it pops up without traveling. After the Robot Tank is destroyed, the squid changes
back to normal.
Allied Battle Fortress Strategies:
If five chrono legionaires are put in a battle fortress it becomes the awesome
Chronotank. Use snipers, Tanyas, or Navy Seals for infantry and Tesla troopers and
Gaurdian GIs for tanks or a combination of everything. Just don't use the Legionares
with other units because they will all target one unit but only the Legionaire will
Triple Gattling Speed:
Get a gattling cannon and set it to attack ground, call it a number and leave it.
When an aircraft comes press its number and click on the aircraft and it will fire
at triple the speed.(Works best on those Kirof Airships!!!)
Lots-a-Brutes: (Yuri side only!)
Get the genetic Mutator ready. Turn super Weapons on and start a game. Build about
5-10 slave miners and send them all to one ore patch. Once all slave's are in range
of the mutator click and all slaves turn into brutes. The slaves will be replaced
and you could have 50 brutes!!(if u need cash, grind em!).
Easy Win:
First built cloning vats, than built a yuri prime(you'll get 2) then nuilt a flying
disk, attack with your flying disk power plant(it will drin its power), then with
yuri prime caputere barracks or war factory, make some units to come out of the
caputred building, and then finally use your second yuri prime to caputere the
constuction yard.
Special Unit Cheat:
If you can build cloning vats, use them to make a second yuri prime, boris etc.
Simply build your cloning vats and then build your special unit.
Very Easy Win:
With Yuri's side build 7-10 flying disk, attack your opponents power plant with
1 flying disk use the rest to attack all the structures. With soviet simply build
7-10 apocalypse and make sure they get upgrated to elite. Then you simpy fully
raid the opponents grade starting with power plants and construction yard.
Submitted by: jole
If u are playing for yuri magnetrons can lift enemy vehicles and drop them on
walls, cliffs and water, they will instantly die.
e-mail(ed): nikola.pecik@public.srce.hr
submitted by: Potemkin
Want you to get a CHRONO IVAN?! Play with the ALLIED side (USA,France...) against
a SOVIET side (Libya,Iraq...).
1. Build a barracks and a Battle lab as fast as you can.
2. Train a spy.
3. Kill the enemy's dogs and discuise your spy!
4. When the enemy builds the Soviet battle lab send your spy in his lab QUICKLY
You will get a Chrono Ivan if you did what I have written.
The Chrono Ivan will move like the Chrono Legionnaire, but will lay bombs into
buildings like Tanya, Crazy Ivan.
Make sure that you don't move him close to a prism tower or a tesla coil.
HINT: Move your Spy near Soviet base to come faster to battle lab.
BEST PARATROOPER DEFENSE (Works only with Yuri):
Submitted by:: Potemkin
E-mail: nikola.pecik@public.srce.hr
1. Build barracks
2. Build psychic sensor
3. Train Yuri clone (800$)
This is very usefull when playing against America (or a side with captured Tech
Airports). When you see paratroopers falling from the sky, move Yuri clone on
the shadow on ground (multiple dots). Make sure that you moved Yuri clone on
place with most shadows. Make sure that you DON'T HAVE ANY OF YOUR INFANTRY
and most of the troopers will explode in the air! The troopers that remain will
capture Yuri clone ;-)
NOTE: You can do the same thing with Yuri prime (1500$)
Submitted by:Devastation Master
Siege On Yuri Base:
...You need:
1. Build 30 or more Siege Choppers
2. Build 30 or more Terror Drones
3. Build 10 or more Flak Tracks
First move all Siege Choppers into the area where is safety near Yuri base and
deploy all Siege Choppers at out of range of all Yuri base defenses try to move
Terror Drones and Flak Tracks behind Siege Choppers then move Siege Chopper one
by one try to move close front of Siege Choppers line(wait for clear then move)
then move close to Yuri base as slowly but excellent guarding if you see Floating
Disk use Flak Tracks shoot them down if you see Menetron use Terror Drones to
destroy it and use Siege Choppers to destroy other unit but you may use Terror
Drone to support your Siege Chopper against Master Mind but you must create new
unit to replace all destroyed unit as quickly as possible. (I think it like Allied's
Prism Tank assault but I do it in Soviet version) Remember destroy every enemy unit
who move close first then move.
NOTE: Watch for Chaos Drones they can disrupt your siege line.
Super Mastermind Fghter:
Submitted by: MartexGT
This trick alows you to control 5 units with one tank.
To do it you must be in Yuri's side only. Train Yuri Prime or Engineer to capture
Allied CON. Yard, then build barraks, war factory, battle lab and a battle fortres.
Then train five Yuri Clones and send them into Battle fortres, now you have a super
mastermind fighter. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Submitted by: Jaaziel Charisma:
Email: magneticaability@yahoo.com
You can create an supermind which can easily dominate the mastermind. Play as Yuri.
Mind control a Battlefortress. Now send in 5 Yuri clone and move it to yr enemies
base. It can trample other tanks and can fire on your enemies and can also mind
control 5 uniots and unlike the mastermind it can remain with full life. any one
who reads this pls send me an e mail with a comment on this. Thank u.
Submitted by: gamesurfer
Play Yuri and take a Magnetron to your enemy's base. Find a tank or any other
vehicle and position yourself so there is a building between your Magnetron and
the vehicle. Pull the vehicle towards you. When it is directly above the building,
move the magnetron so the vehicle drops on the building.
The Vehile will be destroyed and the building will suffer damage as well.
Complete all allied missions:
Submitted by: chriss
To complete all allied missions in yuri's revenge just build ore refinery barracks
some pillboxes(3-4)then the war factory then the battle lab, build 3 miners and
10-15 laser tanks and destroy yuri's base, because yuri's defenses are weak against
the laser, don't put them to close to the defenses, from far aim at them.
If you want to know something just send me an email on chriss_91@hotmail.com
Submitted by: tomislav(a)Nebes.odlikasi.net
When you play at Soviet side build 3 rhinos, 1 V3 launcher, 10 constripts, 2
teslas,1 apocalypse and Boris. Rhinos destroy weaker defences, V3 destroy stronger
defences(prism tower) constripts kill infantry, tesla troopers protect constripts,
apocalypse eliminates enemy tanks(fully loaded battle fortress) and boris destroy
AA guns and base structures. And if you want to, bring enginners and capture
enemy building to have new tech, and than combine them(IFV and TESLA TROOPER ETC).
Here is a very easy tip:
Submitted by: tomislav(a)Nebes.odlikasi.net
When you play as an American you can paratroop many troops near your base and
than build few tanks, and a NAVY SEAL and voila, the GI's will kill troops,
tanks destroy other tanks and defences and SEAL or Tanya destroy power plants
and if you want to, use Harriers to destroy the entire base, GOOD LUCK!
Submitted by: TR1STAN
You have to be soviet to do this.build a power plant 2 attack dogs and a normal
tank then attack the power plant with your tank and then finish it off with your
Defeat Yuri quickly:
On the last Allied mission, build the Soviet Radar and Chrono in an Allied MCV.
Once the MCV is Chronoed in, destroy it with the Prism tank and Grizzly tank and
move the remaining forces to the left side of the screen. Repeat this until a
sufficient force is built up and attack Yuri's bases. All of the tanks will be
free. To make it easier, build a Nuke Silo and destroy the Psychic Dominator and
Genetic Mutator. Alternately, use the nuke three times to destroy the Psychic
Dominator and use six Kirov Airships to destroy the Genetic Mutator.
Base destruction with Chrono Commandos:
This trick only works with the Allies. First, buy some Spies when possible. Camouflage
them as an enemy unit. Send in the Spy and try to infiltrate a Battle Lab. You now have
a Crono Commando unit. Buy that unit and send it to a base. The Crono Commando is just
like a Chrono Legionnaire mixed with a Navy Seal. Use the Crono Commando's detonation
packs (C4) to destroy every building. Because the Crono Commando has a machine gun and
a Crono Pack, it can teleport, destroy, and teleport to the next.
Submitted by: jack
Get some tanks and do force attack on your own power plant and your power will go up
Psychic immune units:
Get control of the Psychic Dominator. The best way to do this is to set random crates
on, so that random powered up crates appear on the map. If you are lucky, you will
get a Yuri MCV. Build Yuri's super weapon, called the Psychic Dominator. When it is
fully charged, get the units you want to be Psychic immune and hit them with the
Dominator. Do this far from your base, since the Dominator also destroys nearby
buildings. These units are now Psychic immune because they will act as if they are
already mind controlled. Yuri and his army cannot control them. The only downside
is that the new Psychic immune units cannot be put into Transports, Battle Fortresses,
IFVs, Flack Tracks, and Nighthawks.
Superpowered Tesla Coil:
First, build a Tesla Coil, then build three to six Tesla Troopers. Move the Tesla
Troopers close to the coil and they will zap it with their Tesla weapon. Doing this
with three or more troopers increases the coil's range and power enough to destroy
most units in one hit or so. Five of these super coils placed at the entrance of the
base can stop nearly all small to medium assaults. This also keeps the coil online
even if the power goes out. This trick also works with the Tesla Reactor and will
bring your power level up by a few points, which is useful when building super
Build units promoted or build secret units:
In multi- player mode, have an ally, then build three Engineers and three Spies. Get
a tank or something to damage your ally's War Factory, Battle Lab, or Barracks just
enough so an Engineer can be sent in to repair it. Move your three Engineers and three
Spies next to the building you want to spy, for example, an allied Battle Lab. Then,
select your six men and click on "Waypoints" Click the men to walk right next to the
Battle Lab (not inside yet), then click on the Battle Lab. Your Engineers and Spies
should now go inside. The "New Technology Acquired" message should appear, and you
can now build a Chrono-Commando. This can also be done to War Factories and Barracks.
Note: Sometimes it may work with only one Engineer and one Spy.
Mind control your own units:
When playing as Yuri, build the Psychic Dominator. Wait until the timer runs down to
zero (0:00). Get a few of your units gathered in an area. Take the units away from
your base or you will destroy your buildings. When the Psychic Dominator is ready
to be activated, use it on your units. Your units should now have a little brainwave
above them, letting you know they are being mind controlled. Your units will not
change to the bad enemy, but they are just being mind controlled for no reason.
Also, they do not self control themselves like civilians.
Keep Construction Yard:
In skirmish or multi-player mode, when you need a base and have a Yuri Prime, capture
the Construction Yard, then click on it. After that, click anywhere on the map in the
area. The vehicle is now permanently yours.
Cheap bomb:
Play as Yuri and capture a Soviet base. Then, build a Crazy Ivan. Build a Flak Track
and five Conscripts. Have Ivan set a bomb on one, then make it go into the truck. Do
this for all five conscripts. To detonate, first make the hit points reach zero. Then,
deploy the Flak Track. Do not put the Ivan in the truck. It will not make a small
demolition truck. This trick also works with Amphibious Transports, but with a bigger
Destroy enemy Construction Yard:
First, you need to have two allies, one Allied and one Soviet. After building a Cloning
Vat, build a Yuri Prime. With the Cloning Vat you will get two of them. Send each of
your Yuri Primes to both of your allies' Construction Yard. After building a Psychic
Dominator, Nuclear Silo, and Weather Storm, wait until they are all ready. When they
are, and you know where your enemy's construction yard is located, launch all of them
one after another as quick as possible. This will cripple your enemy's base.
Easy money:
In a skirmish game, build everything desired and needed in order to generate at least
two UFO units. Find an enemy base and use one UFO to power down the base while the other
covers the first. Once the ground is clear of any offensive or defensive threat (such as
Flak Troopers, Guardian GIs, Patriot Missiles, etc.), send the remaining UFO unit to the
enemy's Oil Refinery. The siphon on the UFO will transfer a small amount of money from
the enemy refinery to your bank (at a rate of about $20 per second). If you keep continue
to do this, you will eventually win; not to mention fund anything else you would end up
building. This is an especially good tactic to use against multiple enemies.
Killing War Miners:
This trick requires you to be any Soviet country. Tech to Flak Tracks and Terror Drones.
Load the Drones up in your Flak Track. Each Track can hold up to two Drones. Search for
an enemy War Miner. Note: This does not work as well against Chrono Miners because they
can just Chrono back to their base and be rid of your Drone. Get near the enemy Miner
with your Flak Trak, then either let it get killed or unload your Trak. Your Terror
Drones will automatically latch themselves to the enemy War Miner and begin to destroy
it from the inside. This trick is useful becaise War Miners can destroy your Terror
Drones with one shot, so you would have to send about five of them at a single War Miner.
Note: If your enemy manages to send the War Miner to a repairing station before it is
destroyed, it will destroy your Terror Drone.
Bomber Spies:
This trick requires you to have control of both the Allied and Soviet tech trees. Build
some Spies and a Crazy Ivan. Have your Spies put on a disguise of the enemy you are
attacking as soon as they can. When you are relatively close to your enemy's base, strap
bombs onto your Spies using your Ivan, then send your Spies to the building(s) you wish
to destroy. The enemy will not automatically attack your Spies because they believe it
is one of their own units. Your Spy is free to go wherever desired, unless your enemy has
Attack Dogs. Once your Spy reaches the desired location, let the bomb explode. This will
cause moderate damage to anything near it. Several Spies may be required to destroy
bigger buildings, but usually one or two will destroy something like a Prism Tower, a
Tesla Coil, a Sentry Gun, a Pillbox, and a Gatling Gun.Note: This does not work well
against a Yuri opponent, because they usually have Psychic Towers all over their base
which automatically mind controls a Spy, disguised or not. Also, this trick has reduced
effectiveness against human opponents because anyone paying attention will figure out
that your Spy is obviously not one of their own units, though if the Spy is killed, the
bomb will still detonate.
Unlimited units with Mastermind:
Submitted by: George Lee
This will only work when you are having the allies war factory, yuri's war factory and
the battle lab of yuri.
* First of all, train three to ten engineers, build the same amount of IFV, send all
the engineers into the IFVs.
* Next, build one mastermind, you can now psychic any amount units you want using this
unit with all the Engineering IFVs surrounding it.
Nighthawk landing on water:
Select a skirmish level with water as the Allies. Build a Chronosphere and land your
Nighthawk chopper on some land that is away, so that other units cannot accidentally
be transported along with it. When your Chronosphere is done, select the Nighthawk
and choose an area of water to put it on. Next, transport the Nighthawk onto it. If
you have units in the nighthawk, it will not deploy them. If there are any ships in
the water, they can destroy your Nighthawk if you cannot get it to take off fast
France mission:
After your base is well built, defended well, and you have a lot of money, build a new
MCV. Then, build two tanks with it. When the units are finished, order the tanks to
escort the MCV. Then, start building a Grand Cannon. Send the MCV to the enemy base,
but out far enough so that it cannot get damaged. When it arrives, move the tanks away
and deploy the MCV. By now, the Grand Cannon should be finished. Deploy it by your new
Construction Yard. Then, target any structures as desired. Make sure you build pillboxes
for close range defense. If you need more range to put other Grand Cannons, build Barracks
since they are the cheapest. Then, place the new Grand Cannon further out.
You can do this repeatedly for other bases -- just sell the Grand Cannon(s).
Cheaper Cosmonauts:
* In the Soviet mission where you are on the moon, the Cosmonauts cost $600. Use the
following trick to get cheaper Cosmonauts. Build a lot of Barracks and sell a few.
The barracks cost $500 and give you a cosmonaut, saving you $100. If you need a few
others, building a lot of Barracks will increase the rate at which they are trained.
You have plenty of money for this mission -- build many Cosmonauts and attack the bases.
The Psychic Towers and Masterminds cannot affect them since they are an air unit.
* Build a War Factory and sell it. You should get four Cosmonauts, which will save $400
dollars. However, you will get money from selling the War Factory for a savings of $1400.
Make sure to have a primary War Factory before doing this.
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Mutate soldiers in enemy base, where some rhino tanks are. Brutes will want to destory
rhino tanks but order them to structures. They also again attack at rhinos. Order at
structures again. One of the brutes may will stuck on a rhino tank. The brute is not
useable any more.
Traitor allies:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Make sure you have not selected "Short game" option. And you must select "Super weapons"
option. Play the skirmish game as soviets. Destroy all enemy structures. Fortress walls
does not effect. Now your allies will bomb your base with nuclear missiles, if they have
Contents of crates:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Have you never know what all the bonus crates will content? Here is some:
Promotion : Unit that picked the crate will get promoted.
Speed upgrade : All your units and built units will get more speed.
Armor upgrade : All your units and built units will get better armour.
Clear map : All unrevealed terrains will be seen.
Cash bonus : You will get an random amount more cash.
Vehicle bonus : After picking, a random vehicle appears to your use.
Health fill : Unit that picked the crate will get healed to full.
Stuck squid:
Submitted by: Eucalypsetank
Set chronosphere on a squid, when it attacks at robot tank, Teleport them to land and
squid will stuck to there after destroying the tank.
Civilian structure diplomacy:
Submitted by: Battle stations
Go to skirmish mode, select game type as "battle" and select a level named "Manhattan Mayhem"
This level contains a lot of civilian structures and some of them can be captured to players
Statue Of Liberty : The huge statue that was seen on Red Alert 2
Location : Southwest near to an small island that contains Jewels and an Oil Derrick
Tech Lab : This lab gives you ability to build and use a random unit that your chosen team
cant use.
Location : Northwest in edge of the map
#1 Oil derrick : An another way to get money, it collects some oil all the time
#2 Two oil derricks
Location : #1 Southwest on small island next to Jewellery Field. #2 Close to middle of the
Airport : Gives the ability to produce free paradrops every few minute
Location : Southwest to the middle of the map a bit Near to #2 Oil Derricks
Machine shop : Repairs your vehicles free and anywhere
Location : Southwest to a lower bridge near a player startpoint
Hospital : Heals your infantry free and anywhere
Location : Northeast to a player startpoint in southwest
"attack anything" button:
Submitted by: coolbolt
Email: muhsunalihadi@gmail.com
After selecting your units, hold CTRL. This will change the cursor to attack. This only
applied to military units or buildings(does not work on MCV or Chrono miners) If you have
yuri prime... well, just do the rest to your allies.
Amazing tactic!:
Submitted by: richie mcrichardson
Start as france. Build 3 chrono miners and as many ivfs as soon as possible. build aircraft
thing and battle lab. build 3 grand cannons around your base. Build a service depot.
Now comes the fun stuff. First keep a grand cannon ready. Build a MCV and move it near the
opponents base so that it isnt being hit You might want to take some mirage tanks or ivfs with it.
Deploy it. Put that grand cannon next to your MCV. Attack all buildings and units with grand
cannon (build another cannon it you can). Once you do that, move a little closer and build more
grand cannons. Keep doing til you wipe out their base
If opponent is sending a lot of units and tanks to kill you, build some prism towers as well.
Battle Fortress strategies:
Submitted by: Kevin Vong
If you are allied get a battle fortress put 2 rocket soldiers 1 Tanya 1 Chronolegendaire 1
seal send them into the battle fortress and attack a building the chronolegendaire will handle
it the others like Tanya and seal Will kill any infantry the rocket soldiers will attack the
buildings and tanks making a lot of damage if you see a battle bunker let your rocket soldiers
attack if they tried to use air attackers your rocket soldiers attack this is the ultimate
attack and defensive battle fortress your rocket soldier will be your primary weapon.
Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun
Game Tip:
Submitted by: Ronel Greyling
When playing as GDI when you are playing skirmish against NOD build 2-3 Carryalls and
try to take out their deffense when their deffense is out you then get 4-5 Engineers
in their construction yard and try not to Destroy it get the carryall and take the
construction yard to your base repair it and then deploy for NOD technology.
Submitted by: david
Email: daviddereeper@hotmail.com
Charge EMP on an enemy base. First build an EMP, place it and wait until it is ready
to charge. Then build another EMP but do not place it. Then load (when playing as NOD)
a subterainian vehicle with engeneers and send it to an enemy base, close to an enemy
building then conquer this building with an engeneer. immediatly after having conquered
this building place the EMP and charge on the enemy base by this the whole base will
be set offline.
Submitted by:abhinav
* When playing skirmish, if nod, take about 7 artillery, 10 cyborgs and a cyborg
commander. Place the artillery near the base and fire away. If the enemy comes
too close to the artillery (the artillery can\'t fire enemy next to it), use the
cyborgs to guard the commander by selecting them and pressing G, and destroy them.
* If playing against nod, find their base as soon as the game starts and place
pointers on some important buildings. This way even if they get stealth, you can
spot them out.
Submitted by: James Freeman
If your playing against NOD in multiplayer or the game and they have chemical missiles,
you can stop their production of the missiles by aiming at that weird hole thing in
the middle of veins with bombers or artillery. Once you destroy that, the veins will
receed about as fast as it took to grow. No more chemical missile attacks!
Submitted by: Konrad Jazwierski
On the level called rescue Toronte or some thing like that name leave hour hijacker
behind because he gets in the way of your shots and dies.
Submitted by: bad_maverick
If you use NOD, or GDI-NOD. It's nice to keep your enemy's infantry or D.T away! Try
to keep your Att. buggy away from these ppl. If you're busted, you cant run. The only
way is (if any) try shooting an enemy Harvester, if he chase you in some of the
infantry, will step off! And your Att. buggy will pop off! In other way, if the
harvester didn't follow you, it may explode - COOL! - (Don't hope this much!)
-- SECOND --
If you use GDI, do the same way, but keep away your harvester while you're attacking!
Or attack an enemy base using a harvester [a full one], when it explode... (HE-HE!)
If you are scouting send your scouting unit away from your base then go into the
enemy base because if you send your unit(s)to them straight from your base the enemy
will follow the path your unit(s) came from and find your base.
Blue Tiberium:
If you are on a stage with blue tiberium, be careful. Blue Tiberium is as flamableas
gasoline. This can work to your advantage or it can be your downfall, just watch your
step when you see blue tiberium.
Build on Craters:
If you place pavement on top of a crater you can then build on top them.
Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the hills and raised land
come down. Take any vehicles you like, and fire all of them at the raised land. The
land will eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to fire too much
or an unwanted valley will be created! This does not work on mountains.
Disk Thrower Tricks:
Send a group of D.T's and place them just out of the range of a laser/component tower
and line them up with the defense structure. Force fire in front of the structure and
the disks will bounce into the structure. Even though its not as accurate, the laser/
tower won't shoot you. You can use this in many situations to increase the attack
range of your Disk Throwers. Tell a Disc thrower to force fire someplace. Then when
he is about to throw tell him to fire across the map and he Will.
Those Arms must really be good.
Infinite Capacity Personel Carrier:
First you need to have a mutant hijacker. Put him in a school bus (no other civilian
vehicle works), then put as many infintry units in in the school bus as you want, and
send them into the enemy base. Enjoy.
Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the hills and raised land
come down. Take any vehicles you like, and fire all of them at the raised land. The
land will eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to fire too much
or an unwanted valley will be created! This does not work on mountains.
Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded, ie. powerplants.
If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that
structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully repaired. The only money
that you will lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.
Health From Tiberium:
To make a Mutant Hijackers gain health from Tiberium, simply order them into a
field of it. Their health will rapidly regenerate. This only works with Mutants;
regular infantry will die if they are ordered into Tiberium.
One hit unit kills:
When playing as Nod, if you have the laser fence sections you can kill any unit
one hit. Set up two laser sections as you would normaly. Turn one of them off
with the lightning icon thing. When a unit passes between the fences turn it back
on. Any unit, even the Mammoth mk2 is destroyed. This is very effective in multi-
player if there are alot of bridges.
Easy way to destroy enemies:
Build a Tiberium Waste Facility and a Missle Silo. Then, when your Chemical Missile
is ready, wait for your Tiberium Waste Facility to fill up again. When it does, fire
your Multi Missle at your opponent's Construction Yard, which should destroy it.
Then, fire your Chemical Missile at the Weapons factory. It may not be destroyed,
but you will have another Chemical Missile ready. Also fire that missile at the
Weapons Factory, which should finish its destruction. The enemy cannot build any
more, or build vehicles. The Chemical Missile should make all surrounding troops
Viceroids. The Viceroids will destroy most of the surviving buildings.
Winning with an air assault:
The easiest way towards victory using an air assault is to take out the SAM sites.
However, when you bomb SAM sites they just re-appear. When playing as NOD, purchase
some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers. Send them to the opposing
teams base maker, take over the base maker, and quickly sell it. If the other
team is NOD, you will first have to disable their power plants.
Control NOD ore processor and mining vehicle:
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an
engineer next to the NOD ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock
with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building and
the vehicle.
Easy building capture and profit:
When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers
and a Cyborg Commando. Take the APCs within their base and pop up next to something
important (GDI Upgrade Center, Tiberium Refinery, etc.). Have your engineers pour
out and have them take it over. The commando will protect the building that you
capture. Should he fail, sell the building for an easy profit.
Baby Visceriods
To MAKE baby visceriods, order an infantry unit into tiberium until the soldier
dies. Be careful though, once they become adults they are not friendly.
Hijacking Vehicles
Take a Mutant Hijacker in to a city and find a Car, truck or a bus, and select it.
Now you have control over the Vehicle. They are used as transports.
Kill a Cyborg Commando in One Hit
If you want to kill a Cyborg Commando, with out losing all of your units, there is
a very simple way to do it.(You have to be able to build a GDI Firestorm Wall
Generator, and Firestorm wall sections.) First fortify your base and build it up
until you have the option to build a Firestorm wall, and sections, then build
firestorm walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your base. When a
Cyborg Commando is over one of the sections turn the Firestorm generator on and
Blam! All of your problems are solved.
Infinite Firestorm Wall
If you have a firestorm wall and it is fully charged, you can make it last forever
without having to turn it off to charge. First charge your wall fully, then turn it
on. Before it turns off or runs out of power sell or turn off your power plants until
the words "On Hold" appear in the firestorm Icon. Your wall will stay on forever and
will not run out of power until you build or turn on your power plants.
Level 9 Hint
At this moment the most asked question is: "How do I get behind the lasercannon (The
Obelisk of light). Well, at the right of the cannon there is a small base with a
'hand of NOD' building and a few powerplants. first at all you must distroy the
units on that base. After that distroy all the powerplants. So the NOD has low power.
Then you can pass the lasercannon or you can distroy it. when you go to the top of
the map there is a base you can capture. capture it and distroy all NOD units.
Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium
APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base
unload the engineers and capture the base.
Infinite Troops
During the second mission build exactly 68 infantry to allow you infinite troops
on the 12 mission (make sure the troops dont die or get injured or the cheat is
Someone Said This Was the Real Way:
Ok here is the Real way. Take 1 MLRS hoover tank and the APC to the upper-most
left hand point that is still out of range of the obleisk. Then attack the obleisk
with the other two MLRS's and sneak the APC and hoover tank past the obleisk. Make
sure to attack first so that the Obleisk hits one of the attacking hoover tanks
and no the one escorting the APC. Time it right and its easy. Then take over the
Construction Yard of the old GDI base. Destroy the power plants outside the fire-
storm walls to get a engineer inside to the Yard. Now secure the area by turning
on the "turrets" by useing that "lightning" button by the "sell" command. Read my
next tip to finish off the level and everyone after it.
Double the range of your disk throwers:
In order for this trick to work you must have some disk throwers (this works best
with flat terrain). Then send them out to battle. Press the [Ctrl] key and force
fire toward your target (not at the target. Aim for the ground in front of it).
The discs will bounce off of the ground and if you aimed right, hit the target.
With this, you can destroy those laser cannons or light towers without getting
fired at or detected.
Stealth Generator Hint:
When you are NOD and can build a stealth generator, not only is there no use for
pavement but it hurts your as well. when you build pavement and a generator the
generator does not put the pavement into stealth. So if your playing against a
friend (the computer is stupid so you can do it with them) dont use pavement or
they will be able to see where your base is. But if your playing with redeployable
mcv's then it wont matter because you can throw them of by moving it and putting
pavement somewhere else and then moving your mcv back.
Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard:
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium
APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload
the engineers and capture the base.
Conquering Tip:
Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's say Obelisk of Light).
Don't Deploy the structure until you conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it
next to your just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post in their
base. Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers to conqure
more buildings.
Cripple Enemy in Skirmish:
If NOD during a skirmish map find the Construction Yard and the Weapons Factory
they are always very close. Send the Subterranian APC with 3 Engineers A Cyborg
Commando and a Highjacker. Have a Oblisk of Light ready get in grab the weapons
and put the oblisk at their base hahahah youve screwed them build a barraks and
waa laa what happens next is up to you.
Secret Level - "Power Grid" (GDI);
In the level where you must destroy the chemical missle base first select to
free the mutants. Then take the level where you have to destroy the supply base.
Instead of destroying all the chemical tanks you can go north west to find a
train. Take the mutants and the ghost stalker with you that you just received
by reinforcement, and complete the new objective by getting the ghost stalker
on the train. Then destroy the rest of the chemical tanks and get in the level
called The "Power Grid".
At the 8th mission, it will be easier to destroy the 2nd generator in the nod
base if u keep 2 engineers at hand, one to take over the construction yard in
the nod base u encounter b4 the 2nd generator, and one to take over the refinary.
After that, build a power plant, build a hand of nod for engineers to take over
the enemy's hand of nod, or just blow it up, and a war factory.. build one tick
tank and one artillary and position it at the middle of the two bridges, deploy
them and happy killing the generator!
Protection from NOD ballistic missiles:
For GDI commanders, the Firestorm wall can be used as protection against NOD
ballistic missiles. The walls should be placed above the base and/or in the
general direction of the enemy base. They can have spaces in between to save
on power and money. The Firestorm building should be fully charged. Turn on the
wall when you hear the "missile launch detected" warning. If you have nothing
else to do, you can watch the missile dissipate in the Firestorm wall.
Note: This was done with a base at the bottom of the map. It may work differently
if your base is elsewhere. Also, do not send your aircraft through the Firestorm
Wall while it is activated because they will be automatically be destroyed.
Tiberium vein damage:
Tiberium veins will damage most vehicles, except for the following: NOD Buggy,
Wolverine and Hover MLRS. This makes them excellent units for scouting vein
areas. Veins also have no effect on infantry and Harvesters.
Glitch: GDI Service Depot:
Do not press S while a unit is moving in or out of the GDI Service Depot, because
it will explode.
Unrevealed Terrain message:
Sometimes when you scroll into the black shroud the "Unrevealed Terrain"
message will continuously appear at the bottom of the screen. It can happen
in any mission, but will usually will occur on slower computers.
3 men in 1:
Place 3 of your men inside an inflatable boat (Not including your Mariner),
and make your Mariner pick up the boat. All three of your men will be inside
your Mariner. Note: If your Mariner is killed, all your men that were with
him will be killed as well.
Better Resolution:
NOTE: With this code you ae messing with the programming of the game. You might
screw the whole thing up if you're not careful.
To get better resolution find the folder that TIBERIAN SUN is in, double click
on the folder and find a file called SUN.ini, open it and go down to where it
says [Video].
In that you should see somthing like this:
go to ScreenWidth= and change the number to: 1024 then go to ScreenHeight= and
change the number to: 768, finally go to StretchMovies= and enter: no
This will only work if the max resolution on your monitor
is 1024 x 768 or higher.
Unlimited Firestorm Wall:
This trick allows a fully charged Firestorm Wall to last indefinitely without
having to turn it off to recharge. First, fully charge your Firestorm Wall and
turn it on. Before it turns off or runs out of power,sell or turn off your power
plants until the message "On Hold" appears in the Firestorm Icon. Your Firestorm
Wall will remain on indefinitely unless you build or turn on your power plants.
Firestorm defense:
Play as the GDI. If your enemy likes air units or missiles, surround your base
with the Firestorm Wall at a distance from your base, backed up with RPG Launchers.
Whenever aircraft or missiles are detected coming toward you, turn the Firestorm
on. When aircraft attack, wait until just before they cross the Firestorm line
so that they cannot turn away before they are hit. Do not worry if the Firestorm
is attacked by the enemy aircraft it is pretty tough. Just bring some MRLS in
to assist destroying the aircraft.
Chain reaction:
When playing on a map where your opponent is harvesting on a large field of blue
mature Tiberium, use something that creates an explosion, such as a Disrupter.
Once one square has exploded, it will start a chain reaction eventually causing
massive damage to the field.
Cheap Harvesters:
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian Refinery,
wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it. It costs 2000 credits
for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000 credits, a Harvester and five
infantry units. Retail price for all these units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.
Demolition truck:
Take a harvester and fill it with blue tiberium, then put it in your enemy's base.
I usually put it beside a building and then when they destroy it, it will blow up
the building.
Artillery Tricks:
If you are playing a Multiplayer Skirmish, build up about 10-20 artillery.
Take them into the enemy base(s), deploy them, and reek havoc on the enemy
base. If the enemy is Nod and they have a Stealth Generator, Bring in a
Mobile Sensor Array along with the artillery.
Civilian vehicles:
If you have a Mutant Hijacker, you can steal civilian vehicles. Listed below is
the amount of infrantry each one can carry.
School Bus=20
Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded, ie. power plants.
If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that
structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully repaired. The only money
that you will lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.
Quick skirmish win:
Take a group of bombers and destroy your enemy's Construction Yard and War Factory.
Then, if you have ammunition remaining, hit their Tiberium Refinery.
Submitted by: Marcel
When your cyborcs has not got a full energy, order them in tiberium. Their energy
wil charge after few minutes.
Hint - Health recharge on Tiberium:
Submitted by:Imtiaz
If Your Mutant hijacker, Cyborg,Cyborg commando,Umagon,Ghost Stalker Have Little
Life Left, send Them On Any Tiberium Fields, They Get Back life after some time.
Submitted by: Joey
While being NOD, send a mutant hijacker into one of GDI's MCV's. (if they have one)
and hurry and drive it back to your base. Once you deploy it, you have all the GDI
options avaible.
Nod mission: Rescuing the captured commander:
Go backwards and there should be a path leading southeast. Take the path and you
should be greeted by some light infantry and a wall. Also, someone will run into
a GDI Orca Bomber. Break through the wall. After that, go through a tunnel and run
northeast. There should be a Tiberium field and possibly a Harvester. Do not destroy
it, as it will be needed later. After that, keep going and you should see a "ramp"
leading upwards. Go up and you should find a small base. Do not damage any buildings.
Eliminate all enemy troops and destroy the cargo trucks at the northeast side of the
base. You will get three Sergeant Light Infantry and three Engineers.
Use the Engineers and capture the Hand Of Nod and single Power Plant. With your
remaining engineer, wait until the Harvester docks with the Refinery. When it is
unloading, capture the Refinery. You should also have captured the Harvester. You
now have a fully operational encampment. Train more Engineers and capture the Silos
for more money and Tiberium storage. Also, capture any remaining Power Plants,
assuming you did not destroy any buildings. Next, get your Harvester to harvest
Tiberium while you train Rocket Soldiers. When you have a big army, you can take
on the base, but not head on. Do not go back to where you started. If you move
northeast even more, you should encounter a destroyed bridge. Train an Engineer
and repair it. There may also be some Light Infantry there as well; defeat them.
Cross the bridge with your troops and you should be greeted by a deployed Tick
Tank. Destroy it. There should also be some Power Plants. Destroy them and you
should be at the main base. Destroy the base and rescue the commander. Have the
commander run back to your small base to be safe for awhile. You should have left
some defense there. When most of the base is destroyed, run him to where you
started. There should be a Harpy there. Have the commander get in to complete
the mission.
Build anywhere visible:
This glitch will enable you to build a building anywhere that is flat and that
you can see. First, enter the options screen, go to "Keyboard", go to "Interface",
and scroll down until you see "Scroll North, South, East, and West". Assign keys
on the number pad to those. Construct a building and place it as you usually would,
but do not release the mouse. Next, slide it under the sidebar, making sure no
part of it becomes red during the process. With the unplaced building under the
sidebar, scroll around to a flat area where you want to locate it, and release
the mouse. Note: This requires some practice.
To easily get rid of an enemy in skirmish, build wall (one square) and keep
building one square. You will notice that you can build them further and further
away each time from your base. Do this until they reach an enemy base then build
a load of wall around their refinery to cut off their money supply. They will
not shoot the wall as it is making no threat to them, but it will keep their
harvester locked out. In the end they will just sell their items one by one.
Control Nod ore processor and mining vehicle:
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an
engineer next to the Nod ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock
with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building
and the vehicle.
Mutian breeding ground:
Play as Nod and create a Clocking Device near or in some Tiberium Make a large
square laser fence inside the cloaked area with the Tiberium. Create a Subterranean
APC and Infantry. Use the Subterranean APC to put the men in the fenced area. Take
out the Subterranean APC and run the men around in the Tiberium until they change
into Mutians. The more men you change, the better.
Easy building destruction:
Take a Harvester and fill it with blue Tiberium. Put it in your enemy's base. Try
placing it next to the Construction Yard, and watch it blow up.
Secret Level:
Did you know that there is an extra GDI mission, called 'Mine the power grid'? It
is accessed this way... First rescue all 10 mutants in 'Rescue the mutants' mission.
Oh yeah, don't forget to get Ghost Stalker and Mutant Hijacker in that mission!!
Next choose 'Destroy Chemical Plant' mission. You start in lower left corner of the
map. Build you base, blah blah... and when you start to wreak havoc upon Nod base,
take some units and proceed to the upper left corner of the map for a small surprise.
you will come upon a train station. Also a Ghost Stalker will come to reinforce your
forces (hm:)). Anyway, board the train with the Ghost Stalker. Be careful, new
mission objective will want you to keep the Ghost alive at all costs!! When you
board the train, terminate the Nod base. Mission accomplished. And on to the 'Mine
the power grid' mission.
Conquering Tip:
Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's say Obelisk of Light).
Don't Deploy the structure until you conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it
next to your just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post in their
base. Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers to conqure
more buildings.
Defeating the Nod:
Build many Juggernauts and surround your base with them. Then, make a Ghoststalker
to stand in front of your base. Every time a tank or man walks toward your base,
the Juggernauts will weaken it and allow the Ghoststalker to finish it off.
Easy Nod victory:
Build a Subterranean APC and fill it with Engineers. Send it in the enemy's base.
As soon as they arrive, send them into important enemy structures (MCV Barracks,
War Factory, Refinery, etc.). Once done, sell them quickly and they will be
Ultimate GDI Defense:
Build three Component Towers with RPGs. Have two SAMs behind them. Have a Mammoth
MK.II and a Ghost Stalker in between. Nothing should be able to penetrate.
More on your sidebar:
If you want more structures/units on your sidebar, just change the original
resolution of 640x480x16 to a resolution of 640x400x16 and what do you get?
more on your sidebar of course.
Super Weapon Protection:
In skirmishes the AI will use multimissiles or ion cannons loads. The best defence
is either to build lots of silos as far from anything valuable as possible and put
a few troops and tanks nearby then the computer goes for them instead of your
Construction Yard or Temple of Nod or Upgrade Centre which would be annoying.
Defender One Hit Kill:
Submitted by: Kipling
On the final Firestorm Mission, when playing as GDI, Charge up your Ion Cannon then
retreat all your units over the bridge to the island at the bottom (with the long bridge
leading to it, use a new MCV to build a secondary base there) when the Defender tries to
cross the bridge use the ion cannon and the Defender will fall into the water and be
destroyed instantly.
Kill a Cyborg Commando with one hit:
Note: This trick requires the ability to build a GDI Firestorm Wall Generator and
Firestorm Wall sections. Fortify your base and develop it until you have the option
to build a Firestorm Wall and sections. Build Firestorm Walls across any sections
where an enemy can get into your base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of those
sections, turn on the Firestorm Wall Generator to kill it easily.
Destroying Tiberium veins:
If you want to get rid of vein hole monsters, do not use anything with a cannon.
Because they are made out of flesh, they need anti-infantry weapons, such as sniper
rifles or machine guns.
Hidden unit:
This can be done in skirmish and online mode. Create or choose a map with a civilian
city in it. Start your game as either the GDI or Nod. Create your base. Make sure you
make a War Factory and Hand of Nod (or GDI's Unit Maker). Then, explore the map for
the cities until you uncover the whole city. Tell your unit to go behind the building.
You will lose sight of it, but it will still be there. If the city is in-between your
base and the enemy's, the enemy will most likely travel through it. However, they
will not see your hidden attack force. Note: This also works with buildings if you
have a re-deployable MCV.
Mine Power Grid bonus mission:
Play as the GDI. In the mission where you must destroy the chemical missile base,
first select to free the mutants. Then during the "Destroy Chemical Missile Supply"
mission, instead of destroying all the chemical tanks, go northwest to find a train.
Take the mutants and the Ghost Stalker that you just received by reinforcement with
you. Complete the new objective by getting the Ghost Stalker on the train.
Then, destroy the rest of the chemical tanks.
Protecting Refineries:
To protect Refineries, War Factories and Barracks, simply place a wall around the
building, except for the entrance where units go in and out. Then build two Compont
Towers on the entrance side and place two Vulcan Cannons to protect them against
engineers and other infantry. A SAM site and an RPG launcher can be also put on the
other sides to give further protection.
Cheap Harvesters:
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian Refinery,
wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it. It costs 2000 credits
for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000 credits, a Harvester and five
infantry units. Retail price for all these units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.
Game Tip:
Submitted by: Ronel Greyling
When playing as GDI when you are playing skirmish against NOD build 2-3 Carryalls and
try to take out their deffense when their deffense is out you then get 4-5 Engineers
in their construction yard and try not to Destroy it get the carryall and take the
construction yard to your base repair it and then deploy for NOD technology.
Submitted by: david
Email: daviddereeper@hotmail.com
Charge EMP on an enemy base. First build an EMP, place it and wait until it is ready
to charge. Then build another EMP but do not place it. Then load (when playing as NOD)
a subterainian vehicle with engeneers and send it to an enemy base, close to an enemy
building then conquer this building with an engeneer. immediatly after having conquered
this building place the EMP and charge on the enemy base by this the whole base will
be set offline.
Submitted by:abhinav
* When playing skirmish, if nod, take about 7 artillery, 10 cyborgs and a cyborg
commander. Place the artillery near the base and fire away. If the enemy comes
too close to the artillery (the artillery can\'t fire enemy next to it), use the
cyborgs to guard the commander by selecting them and pressing G, and destroy them.
* If playing against nod, find their base as soon as the game starts and place
pointers on some important buildings. This way even if they get stealth, you can
spot them out.
Submitted by: James Freeman
If your playing against NOD in multiplayer or the game and they have chemical missiles,
you can stop their production of the missiles by aiming at that weird hole thing in
the middle of veins with bombers or artillery. Once you destroy that, the veins will
receed about as fast as it took to grow. No more chemical missile attacks!
Submitted by: Konrad Jazwierski
On the level called rescue Toronte or some thing like that name leave hour hijacker
behind because he gets in the way of your shots and dies.
Submitted by: bad_maverick
If you use NOD, or GDI-NOD. It's nice to keep your enemy's infantry or D.T away! Try
to keep your Att. buggy away from these ppl. If you're busted, you cant run. The only
way is (if any) try shooting an enemy Harvester, if he chase you in some of the
infantry, will step off! And your Att. buggy will pop off! In other way, if the
harvester didn't follow you, it may explode - COOL! - (Don't hope this much!)
-- SECOND --
If you use GDI, do the same way, but keep away your harvester while you're attacking!
Or attack an enemy base using a harvester [a full one], when it explode... (HE-HE!)
If you are scouting send your scouting unit away from your base then go into the
enemy base because if you send your unit(s)to them straight from your base the enemy
will follow the path your unit(s) came from and find your base.
Blue Tiberium:
If you are on a stage with blue tiberium, be careful. Blue Tiberium is as flamableas
gasoline. This can work to your advantage or it can be your downfall, just watch your
step when you see blue tiberium.
Build on Craters:
If you place pavement on top of a crater you can then build on top them.
Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the hills and raised land
come down. Take any vehicles you like, and fire all of them at the raised land. The
land will eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to fire too much
or an unwanted valley will be created! This does not work on mountains.
Disk Thrower Tricks:
Send a group of D.T's and place them just out of the range of a laser/component tower
and line them up with the defense structure. Force fire in front of the structure and
the disks will bounce into the structure. Even though its not as accurate, the laser/
tower won't shoot you. You can use this in many situations to increase the attack
range of your Disk Throwers. Tell a Disc thrower to force fire someplace. Then when
he is about to throw tell him to fire across the map and he Will.
Those Arms must really be good.
Infinite Capacity Personel Carrier:
First you need to have a mutant hijacker. Put him in a school bus (no other civilian
vehicle works), then put as many infintry units in in the school bus as you want, and
send them into the enemy base. Enjoy.
Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the hills and raised land
come down. Take any vehicles you like, and fire all of them at the raised land. The
land will eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to fire too much
or an unwanted valley will be created! This does not work on mountains.
Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded, ie. powerplants.
If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that
structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully repaired. The only money
that you will lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.
Health From Tiberium:
To make a Mutant Hijackers gain health from Tiberium, simply order them into a
field of it. Their health will rapidly regenerate. This only works with Mutants;
regular infantry will die if they are ordered into Tiberium.
One hit unit kills:
When playing as Nod, if you have the laser fence sections you can kill any unit
one hit. Set up two laser sections as you would normaly. Turn one of them off
with the lightning icon thing. When a unit passes between the fences turn it back
on. Any unit, even the Mammoth mk2 is destroyed. This is very effective in multi-
player if there are alot of bridges.
Easy way to destroy enemies:
Build a Tiberium Waste Facility and a Missle Silo. Then, when your Chemical Missile
is ready, wait for your Tiberium Waste Facility to fill up again. When it does, fire
your Multi Missle at your opponent's Construction Yard, which should destroy it.
Then, fire your Chemical Missile at the Weapons factory. It may not be destroyed,
but you will have another Chemical Missile ready. Also fire that missile at the
Weapons Factory, which should finish its destruction. The enemy cannot build any
more, or build vehicles. The Chemical Missile should make all surrounding troops
Viceroids. The Viceroids will destroy most of the surviving buildings.
Winning with an air assault:
The easiest way towards victory using an air assault is to take out the SAM sites.
However, when you bomb SAM sites they just re-appear. When playing as NOD, purchase
some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers. Send them to the opposing
teams base maker, take over the base maker, and quickly sell it. If the other
team is NOD, you will first have to disable their power plants.
Control NOD ore processor and mining vehicle:
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an
engineer next to the NOD ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock
with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building and
the vehicle.
Easy building capture and profit:
When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers
and a Cyborg Commando. Take the APCs within their base and pop up next to something
important (GDI Upgrade Center, Tiberium Refinery, etc.). Have your engineers pour
out and have them take it over. The commando will protect the building that you
capture. Should he fail, sell the building for an easy profit.
Baby Visceriods
To MAKE baby visceriods, order an infantry unit into tiberium until the soldier
dies. Be careful though, once they become adults they are not friendly.
Hijacking Vehicles
Take a Mutant Hijacker in to a city and find a Car, truck or a bus, and select it.
Now you have control over the Vehicle. They are used as transports.
Kill a Cyborg Commando in One Hit
If you want to kill a Cyborg Commando, with out losing all of your units, there is
a very simple way to do it.(You have to be able to build a GDI Firestorm Wall
Generator, and Firestorm wall sections.) First fortify your base and build it up
until you have the option to build a Firestorm wall, and sections, then build
firestorm walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your base. When a
Cyborg Commando is over one of the sections turn the Firestorm generator on and
Blam! All of your problems are solved.
Infinite Firestorm Wall
If you have a firestorm wall and it is fully charged, you can make it last forever
without having to turn it off to charge. First charge your wall fully, then turn it
on. Before it turns off or runs out of power sell or turn off your power plants until
the words "On Hold" appear in the firestorm Icon. Your wall will stay on forever and
will not run out of power until you build or turn on your power plants.
Level 9 Hint
At this moment the most asked question is: "How do I get behind the lasercannon (The
Obelisk of light). Well, at the right of the cannon there is a small base with a
'hand of NOD' building and a few powerplants. first at all you must distroy the
units on that base. After that distroy all the powerplants. So the NOD has low power.
Then you can pass the lasercannon or you can distroy it. when you go to the top of
the map there is a base you can capture. capture it and distroy all NOD units.
Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium
APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base
unload the engineers and capture the base.
Infinite Troops
During the second mission build exactly 68 infantry to allow you infinite troops
on the 12 mission (make sure the troops dont die or get injured or the cheat is
Someone Said This Was the Real Way:
Ok here is the Real way. Take 1 MLRS hoover tank and the APC to the upper-most
left hand point that is still out of range of the obleisk. Then attack the obleisk
with the other two MLRS's and sneak the APC and hoover tank past the obleisk. Make
sure to attack first so that the Obleisk hits one of the attacking hoover tanks
and no the one escorting the APC. Time it right and its easy. Then take over the
Construction Yard of the old GDI base. Destroy the power plants outside the fire-
storm walls to get a engineer inside to the Yard. Now secure the area by turning
on the "turrets" by useing that "lightning" button by the "sell" command. Read my
next tip to finish off the level and everyone after it.
Double the range of your disk throwers:
In order for this trick to work you must have some disk throwers (this works best
with flat terrain). Then send them out to battle. Press the [Ctrl] key and force
fire toward your target (not at the target. Aim for the ground in front of it).
The discs will bounce off of the ground and if you aimed right, hit the target.
With this, you can destroy those laser cannons or light towers without getting
fired at or detected.
Stealth Generator Hint:
When you are NOD and can build a stealth generator, not only is there no use for
pavement but it hurts your as well. when you build pavement and a generator the
generator does not put the pavement into stealth. So if your playing against a
friend (the computer is stupid so you can do it with them) dont use pavement or
they will be able to see where your base is. But if your playing with redeployable
mcv's then it wont matter because you can throw them of by moving it and putting
pavement somewhere else and then moving your mcv back.
Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard:
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium
APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload
the engineers and capture the base.
Conquering Tip:
Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's say Obelisk of Light).
Don't Deploy the structure until you conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it
next to your just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post in their
base. Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers to conqure
more buildings.
Cripple Enemy in Skirmish:
If NOD during a skirmish map find the Construction Yard and the Weapons Factory
they are always very close. Send the Subterranian APC with 3 Engineers A Cyborg
Commando and a Highjacker. Have a Oblisk of Light ready get in grab the weapons
and put the oblisk at their base hahahah youve screwed them build a barraks and
waa laa what happens next is up to you.
Secret Level - "Power Grid" (GDI);
In the level where you must destroy the chemical missle base first select to
free the mutants. Then take the level where you have to destroy the supply base.
Instead of destroying all the chemical tanks you can go north west to find a
train. Take the mutants and the ghost stalker with you that you just received
by reinforcement, and complete the new objective by getting the ghost stalker
on the train. Then destroy the rest of the chemical tanks and get in the level
called The "Power Grid".
At the 8th mission, it will be easier to destroy the 2nd generator in the nod
base if u keep 2 engineers at hand, one to take over the construction yard in
the nod base u encounter b4 the 2nd generator, and one to take over the refinary.
After that, build a power plant, build a hand of nod for engineers to take over
the enemy's hand of nod, or just blow it up, and a war factory.. build one tick
tank and one artillary and position it at the middle of the two bridges, deploy
them and happy killing the generator!
Protection from NOD ballistic missiles:
For GDI commanders, the Firestorm wall can be used as protection against NOD
ballistic missiles. The walls should be placed above the base and/or in the
general direction of the enemy base. They can have spaces in between to save
on power and money. The Firestorm building should be fully charged. Turn on the
wall when you hear the "missile launch detected" warning. If you have nothing
else to do, you can watch the missile dissipate in the Firestorm wall.
Note: This was done with a base at the bottom of the map. It may work differently
if your base is elsewhere. Also, do not send your aircraft through the Firestorm
Wall while it is activated because they will be automatically be destroyed.
Tiberium vein damage:
Tiberium veins will damage most vehicles, except for the following: NOD Buggy,
Wolverine and Hover MLRS. This makes them excellent units for scouting vein
areas. Veins also have no effect on infantry and Harvesters.
Glitch: GDI Service Depot:
Do not press S while a unit is moving in or out of the GDI Service Depot, because
it will explode.
Unrevealed Terrain message:
Sometimes when you scroll into the black shroud the "Unrevealed Terrain"
message will continuously appear at the bottom of the screen. It can happen
in any mission, but will usually will occur on slower computers.
3 men in 1:
Place 3 of your men inside an inflatable boat (Not including your Mariner),
and make your Mariner pick up the boat. All three of your men will be inside
your Mariner. Note: If your Mariner is killed, all your men that were with
him will be killed as well.
Better Resolution:
NOTE: With this code you ae messing with the programming of the game. You might
screw the whole thing up if you're not careful.
To get better resolution find the folder that TIBERIAN SUN is in, double click
on the folder and find a file called SUN.ini, open it and go down to where it
says [Video].
In that you should see somthing like this:
go to ScreenWidth= and change the number to: 1024 then go to ScreenHeight= and
change the number to: 768, finally go to StretchMovies= and enter: no
This will only work if the max resolution on your monitor
is 1024 x 768 or higher.
Unlimited Firestorm Wall:
This trick allows a fully charged Firestorm Wall to last indefinitely without
having to turn it off to recharge. First, fully charge your Firestorm Wall and
turn it on. Before it turns off or runs out of power,sell or turn off your power
plants until the message "On Hold" appears in the Firestorm Icon. Your Firestorm
Wall will remain on indefinitely unless you build or turn on your power plants.
Firestorm defense:
Play as the GDI. If your enemy likes air units or missiles, surround your base
with the Firestorm Wall at a distance from your base, backed up with RPG Launchers.
Whenever aircraft or missiles are detected coming toward you, turn the Firestorm
on. When aircraft attack, wait until just before they cross the Firestorm line
so that they cannot turn away before they are hit. Do not worry if the Firestorm
is attacked by the enemy aircraft it is pretty tough. Just bring some MRLS in
to assist destroying the aircraft.
Chain reaction:
When playing on a map where your opponent is harvesting on a large field of blue
mature Tiberium, use something that creates an explosion, such as a Disrupter.
Once one square has exploded, it will start a chain reaction eventually causing
massive damage to the field.
Cheap Harvesters:
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian Refinery,
wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it. It costs 2000 credits
for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000 credits, a Harvester and five
infantry units. Retail price for all these units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.
Demolition truck:
Take a harvester and fill it with blue tiberium, then put it in your enemy's base.
I usually put it beside a building and then when they destroy it, it will blow up
the building.
Artillery Tricks:
If you are playing a Multiplayer Skirmish, build up about 10-20 artillery.
Take them into the enemy base(s), deploy them, and reek havoc on the enemy
base. If the enemy is Nod and they have a Stealth Generator, Bring in a
Mobile Sensor Array along with the artillery.
Civilian vehicles:
If you have a Mutant Hijacker, you can steal civilian vehicles. Listed below is
the amount of infrantry each one can carry.
School Bus=20
Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded, ie. power plants.
If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that
structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully repaired. The only money
that you will lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.
Quick skirmish win:
Take a group of bombers and destroy your enemy's Construction Yard and War Factory.
Then, if you have ammunition remaining, hit their Tiberium Refinery.
Submitted by: Marcel
When your cyborcs has not got a full energy, order them in tiberium. Their energy
wil charge after few minutes.
Hint - Health recharge on Tiberium:
Submitted by:Imtiaz
If Your Mutant hijacker, Cyborg,Cyborg commando,Umagon,Ghost Stalker Have Little
Life Left, send Them On Any Tiberium Fields, They Get Back life after some time.
Submitted by: Joey
While being NOD, send a mutant hijacker into one of GDI's MCV's. (if they have one)
and hurry and drive it back to your base. Once you deploy it, you have all the GDI
options avaible.
Nod mission: Rescuing the captured commander:
Go backwards and there should be a path leading southeast. Take the path and you
should be greeted by some light infantry and a wall. Also, someone will run into
a GDI Orca Bomber. Break through the wall. After that, go through a tunnel and run
northeast. There should be a Tiberium field and possibly a Harvester. Do not destroy
it, as it will be needed later. After that, keep going and you should see a "ramp"
leading upwards. Go up and you should find a small base. Do not damage any buildings.
Eliminate all enemy troops and destroy the cargo trucks at the northeast side of the
base. You will get three Sergeant Light Infantry and three Engineers.
Use the Engineers and capture the Hand Of Nod and single Power Plant. With your
remaining engineer, wait until the Harvester docks with the Refinery. When it is
unloading, capture the Refinery. You should also have captured the Harvester. You
now have a fully operational encampment. Train more Engineers and capture the Silos
for more money and Tiberium storage. Also, capture any remaining Power Plants,
assuming you did not destroy any buildings. Next, get your Harvester to harvest
Tiberium while you train Rocket Soldiers. When you have a big army, you can take
on the base, but not head on. Do not go back to where you started. If you move
northeast even more, you should encounter a destroyed bridge. Train an Engineer
and repair it. There may also be some Light Infantry there as well; defeat them.
Cross the bridge with your troops and you should be greeted by a deployed Tick
Tank. Destroy it. There should also be some Power Plants. Destroy them and you
should be at the main base. Destroy the base and rescue the commander. Have the
commander run back to your small base to be safe for awhile. You should have left
some defense there. When most of the base is destroyed, run him to where you
started. There should be a Harpy there. Have the commander get in to complete
the mission.
Build anywhere visible:
This glitch will enable you to build a building anywhere that is flat and that
you can see. First, enter the options screen, go to "Keyboard", go to "Interface",
and scroll down until you see "Scroll North, South, East, and West". Assign keys
on the number pad to those. Construct a building and place it as you usually would,
but do not release the mouse. Next, slide it under the sidebar, making sure no
part of it becomes red during the process. With the unplaced building under the
sidebar, scroll around to a flat area where you want to locate it, and release
the mouse. Note: This requires some practice.
To easily get rid of an enemy in skirmish, build wall (one square) and keep
building one square. You will notice that you can build them further and further
away each time from your base. Do this until they reach an enemy base then build
a load of wall around their refinery to cut off their money supply. They will
not shoot the wall as it is making no threat to them, but it will keep their
harvester locked out. In the end they will just sell their items one by one.
Control Nod ore processor and mining vehicle:
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an
engineer next to the Nod ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock
with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building
and the vehicle.
Mutian breeding ground:
Play as Nod and create a Clocking Device near or in some Tiberium Make a large
square laser fence inside the cloaked area with the Tiberium. Create a Subterranean
APC and Infantry. Use the Subterranean APC to put the men in the fenced area. Take
out the Subterranean APC and run the men around in the Tiberium until they change
into Mutians. The more men you change, the better.
Easy building destruction:
Take a Harvester and fill it with blue Tiberium. Put it in your enemy's base. Try
placing it next to the Construction Yard, and watch it blow up.
Secret Level:
Did you know that there is an extra GDI mission, called 'Mine the power grid'? It
is accessed this way... First rescue all 10 mutants in 'Rescue the mutants' mission.
Oh yeah, don't forget to get Ghost Stalker and Mutant Hijacker in that mission!!
Next choose 'Destroy Chemical Plant' mission. You start in lower left corner of the
map. Build you base, blah blah... and when you start to wreak havoc upon Nod base,
take some units and proceed to the upper left corner of the map for a small surprise.
you will come upon a train station. Also a Ghost Stalker will come to reinforce your
forces (hm:)). Anyway, board the train with the Ghost Stalker. Be careful, new
mission objective will want you to keep the Ghost alive at all costs!! When you
board the train, terminate the Nod base. Mission accomplished. And on to the 'Mine
the power grid' mission.
Conquering Tip:
Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's say Obelisk of Light).
Don't Deploy the structure until you conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it
next to your just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post in their
base. Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers to conqure
more buildings.
Defeating the Nod:
Build many Juggernauts and surround your base with them. Then, make a Ghoststalker
to stand in front of your base. Every time a tank or man walks toward your base,
the Juggernauts will weaken it and allow the Ghoststalker to finish it off.
Easy Nod victory:
Build a Subterranean APC and fill it with Engineers. Send it in the enemy's base.
As soon as they arrive, send them into important enemy structures (MCV Barracks,
War Factory, Refinery, etc.). Once done, sell them quickly and they will be
Ultimate GDI Defense:
Build three Component Towers with RPGs. Have two SAMs behind them. Have a Mammoth
MK.II and a Ghost Stalker in between. Nothing should be able to penetrate.
More on your sidebar:
If you want more structures/units on your sidebar, just change the original
resolution of 640x480x16 to a resolution of 640x400x16 and what do you get?
more on your sidebar of course.
Super Weapon Protection:
In skirmishes the AI will use multimissiles or ion cannons loads. The best defence
is either to build lots of silos as far from anything valuable as possible and put
a few troops and tanks nearby then the computer goes for them instead of your
Construction Yard or Temple of Nod or Upgrade Centre which would be annoying.
Defender One Hit Kill:
Submitted by: Kipling
On the final Firestorm Mission, when playing as GDI, Charge up your Ion Cannon then
retreat all your units over the bridge to the island at the bottom (with the long bridge
leading to it, use a new MCV to build a secondary base there) when the Defender tries to
cross the bridge use the ion cannon and the Defender will fall into the water and be
destroyed instantly.
Kill a Cyborg Commando with one hit:
Note: This trick requires the ability to build a GDI Firestorm Wall Generator and
Firestorm Wall sections. Fortify your base and develop it until you have the option
to build a Firestorm Wall and sections. Build Firestorm Walls across any sections
where an enemy can get into your base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of those
sections, turn on the Firestorm Wall Generator to kill it easily.
Destroying Tiberium veins:
If you want to get rid of vein hole monsters, do not use anything with a cannon.
Because they are made out of flesh, they need anti-infantry weapons, such as sniper
rifles or machine guns.
Hidden unit:
This can be done in skirmish and online mode. Create or choose a map with a civilian
city in it. Start your game as either the GDI or Nod. Create your base. Make sure you
make a War Factory and Hand of Nod (or GDI's Unit Maker). Then, explore the map for
the cities until you uncover the whole city. Tell your unit to go behind the building.
You will lose sight of it, but it will still be there. If the city is in-between your
base and the enemy's, the enemy will most likely travel through it. However, they
will not see your hidden attack force. Note: This also works with buildings if you
have a re-deployable MCV.
Mine Power Grid bonus mission:
Play as the GDI. In the mission where you must destroy the chemical missile base,
first select to free the mutants. Then during the "Destroy Chemical Missile Supply"
mission, instead of destroying all the chemical tanks, go northwest to find a train.
Take the mutants and the Ghost Stalker that you just received by reinforcement with
you. Complete the new objective by getting the Ghost Stalker on the train.
Then, destroy the rest of the chemical tanks.
Protecting Refineries:
To protect Refineries, War Factories and Barracks, simply place a wall around the
building, except for the entrance where units go in and out. Then build two Compont
Towers on the entrance side and place two Vulcan Cannons to protect them against
engineers and other infantry. A SAM site and an RPG launcher can be also put on the
other sides to give further protection.
Cheap Harvesters:
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian Refinery,
wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it. It costs 2000 credits
for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000 credits, a Harvester and five
infantry units. Retail price for all these units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.
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